FX Wildcat MK3 O-Ring Replacement Tutorial

Happy New Year folks!

I purchased this O-Ring rebuilt kit from Captain O-ring: https://www.captainoring.com/store/p316/FXWildcatMK3-kit.html

Wanted to know if this tutorial/manual will suffice to change all o-rings on the WC MK3 bottle version: https://www.captainoring.com/uploads/4/0/8/9/40890501/fx-wildcatmk3-oringmanual091322.pdf

Are there any threads on this forum (could not find using search function) and or videos that walk one through this process?

Looking at the manual it does not seem like the o-rings for the AMP regulators are included, am I right about that?

There are several tear down videos on YouTube that should be very helpful. You can use disassembly videos for the Maverick as well. Pretty much the same gun. Most of the gun is pretty straight forward. In my personal experience the amp regs are a nightmare to rebuild. There are 2 orings in them that to me are an utter PIA to get back in. Many do it no problem so it’s probably a me thing but most other regs are way easier to deal with. It was suggested to me to put some of the smaller amp orings in hot water before installing them. Might help 🤷‍♂️
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Happy New Year folks!

I purchased this O-Ring rebuilt kit from Captain O-ring: https://www.captainoring.com/store/p316/FXWildcatMK3-kit.html

Wanted to know if this tutorial/manual will suffice to change all o-rings on the WC MK3 bottle version: https://www.captainoring.com/uploads/4/0/8/9/40890501/fx-wildcatmk3-oringmanual091322.pdf

Are there any threads on this forum (could not find using search function) and or videos that walk one through this process?

Looking at the manual it does not seem like the o-rings for the AMP regulators are included, am I right about that?

Maverick tutorials should help too. Same gun essentially. It seems daunting, it's ez. For my pals gun with a few minutes of use and a year of storage it was the regulator and the bottle adapter orings. Not even bad, just not snug enough after some thermal cycles in the southern ca heat causing a slow but consistent leak down.
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There are several tear down videos on YouTube that should be very helpful. You can use disassembly videos for the Maverick as well. Pretty much the same gun. Most of the gun is pretty straight forward. In my personal experience the amp regs are a nightmare to rebuild. There are 2 orings in them that to me are an utter PIA to get back in. Many do it no problem so it’s probably a me thing but most other regs are way easier to deal with. It was suggested to me to put some of the smaller amp orings in hot water before installing them. Might help 🤷‍♂️
I have seen videos of people using ink pens, and ear gauges to help install the tiny orings. the pen tube they heat and slip it over the reg adjustment shaft then slide the oring on. I think I seen that here on AGN and the gauges they basically cut the gauge about the same thickness as the reg adjustment shaft and slide the oring over it.
I have seen videos of people using ink pens, and ear gauges to help install the tiny orings. the pen tube they heat and slip it over the reg adjustment shaft then slide the oring on. I think I seen that here on AGN and the gauges they basically cut the gauge about the same thickness as the reg adjustment shaft and slide the oring over it.
That's a good idea! Ive been using bamboo bbq skewers with silicone grease to keep them on the end, but i like the pen idea.
I have seen videos of people using ink pens, and ear gauges to help install the tiny orings. the pen tube they heat and slip it over the reg adjustment shaft then slide the oring on. I think I seen that here on AGN and the gauges they basically cut the gauge about the same thickness as the reg adjustment shaft and slide the oring over it.
The one I struggled with was the tiny one in the very bottom of the reg. There is a tiny hole you shove the oring through and the groove is under the tiny hole. The oring wants to shoot past it. Took me almost an hour to get it to seat properly. At that point I just sent it to cape fear as it was under warranty. That was fine as when he got to it it was leaking in cpl other spots. He ended up resealing most of the gun and its back route to me now. This gun makes 3 amp reg failures this summer and why I have dislike for them.
The one I struggled with was the tiny one in the very bottom of the reg. There is a tiny hole you shove the oring through and the groove is under the tiny hole. The oring wants to shoot past it. Took me almost an hour to get it to seat properly. At that point I just sent it to cape fear as it was under warranty. That was fine as when he got to it it was leaking in cpl other spots. He ended up resealing most of the gun and its back route to me now. This gun makes 3 amp reg failures this summer and why I have dislike for them.
Oh boy am I familiar with that one. I fought my amp regs in my impact and did a full rebuild on his maverick just to make sure it was sealed. Looking at the bag of orings is anxiety inducing but it's easy if you take every portion step by step as a system. Look at the gun as a system of systems and then it gets less scary (for the lurkers).

Look at an impact kit and tell me it doesn't make you wince 😁
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