FX Wildcat MK3 stoped shooting after heavier hammer experiments

Hello guys. I'm owning wildcat MK3 and everything was perfect until I decided to play a bit with my gun. This is what I did.
I increased reg pressure from 90bar to 110. Installed pin probe and heavier 13gr hammer. After all of this changes the power of my gun increased from around 40 joules to around 57. And here is where strange things start to happen. My power adjustment wheel was not making any difference in velocity speed. Further more, at some point when I played a bit with adjustment screw I got higher velocity on setting 1 than on 7. It should be the other way around. Then I decreased a bit regulator pressure back to 100bar and I switched back to oryginal hammer. Now it doesn't shoot at all. It looks like some air is getting to the barrel. I can hear some air released from barrel when takie probe back from the barrel with cocking lever. To release remaining in barrel slug I installed back the heavier hammer and it shoots back again. I changed to lighter and it's not shooting as the hammer would not have enough power to open the valve. Do you have any idea on what can be wrong?
Not really sure about the not shooting after you put the lighter hammer back in. You sure you installed everything correctly? 110 bar on the reg isn’t very high and should not cause valve lock. Now the first problem….at 110 bar there was zero need for the heavier hammer. 110 is nothing and you were hitting the valve way too hard. That is why the velocity wheel seemed haywire and not working correctly. Even at the lowest setting you were smacking the valve too hard for the given reg pressure. It’s a common mistake made. People put in these higher power options under conditions that don’t warrant it and it causes nothing but issues. I believe the 13 gr hammer weight is what is in the .30 cal. I have a .30 and at 120 bar reg with the internal screw turned all the way in at its lowest setting I am close to over powering the valve. I hit the 4 or 5 position on the power wheel and I am at max needed strike for that reg pressure. 6 and 7 just over power it. At 110 you def didn’t need that hammer weight.
@Trucker3573 Many thanks for your comments. Yes I agree, I did a mistake. I thought I have common understanding on how all of this work, but I guess I'm still missing a lot. Do you believe I could somehow damage the valve during my experiment? I don't think that 13gr hammer could do any harm to it. I have seen people upgrading to tungsten ones without any issue. Today I will try to revert whole setup to the initial state and see how it goes.
I finally had some time to work on my airgun. I removed all parts I have previously upgraded and I replaced them with original ones. Surprisingly everything came back to normal and my gun started to work correctly again. What I have noticed while taking everything apart was that hammer was sticky. At that moment I realized that I used a bit of lithium multipurpose grease instead of silicone one. I believe this was the root cause of my problem. Inappropriate grease caused increased hammer friction to the point where oryginal hammer had not enough momentum to hit the valve hard enough. Obviously I'm not the expert here and I might be wrong, but to be honest I have no other idea on what could be wrong.