Wildcat scope rings I need some?

I am having a hard time getting the right scope rings for my .25 Wildcat. The weaver rail has no cross slots and the smaller airgun rail interferes with all the weaver type rings the near by sporting goods place had. They found some Burris airgun scope rings that worked but they are too low I am having a hard time with the cheek piece I can't get a good picture with the scope it holds the scope too low. Can someone in the know refer me to the right rings so I can order them?

By the way this gun shoots very nice but it is awkward with these low rings.

Thanks Mike

The FX Wildcat has a dovetail rail (not Weaver). What is the make and model of your scope? At a minimum, it would help to know the size of the objective.

As for after market accessories, I doubt you will find much if anything considering the gun hasn't been around for even a month yet.

On my .25 Wildcat, I have an 8-32x56 Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF Pro sitting on FX No Limit mounts and have had no problems.
My scope that I am using is an older Weaver Target scope 4-16 x 42 1 " tube I will probably get something else later but it is a decent scope I used in competition a dozen years ago. I spent a lot on the gun and an air system so I went with a scope I already owned. Here is a picture with my son and grandson you can see a side profile of the gun. The rings on it are the only ones I could source locally and they are pretty low. The mount I chose was offset and also a high profile mount. Right now the scope is resting on the front of the rail and I need it further back I also plan to add a butt extension then I will move the scope back even further. Eventually I may make a completely different stock that fits me better.
