Wile E Coyote & The Road Runner
We all know the story. Mine started opening morning. Having hunted the land for years I know it well and the birds that habitat it.
First morning like a fairy tale.
Off the roost and a beautiful long strut and gobbling as he came in.
With the sun shining on him he glowed as he presented him self.
I can see he is a mature bird by the way he is behaving. As he get just outside of range he stops staring at my decoys. He does not like it and hangs out just out of range for hours screaming and hollerin before walking off.
This plays out over and over for weeks as I pattern him and change up locations and setups.
He taunts me gobbling and circling in the Timber. I switch out every 2 days to other patches so as not to put so much pressure on him.
He answers my calls every time.
Just as Wile E Coyote I try different set up’s and locations.
I know where he sleeps and the pasture he flies down in but the same game plays out day after day.
Week 4 I decided if he won’t come to me….. I’ll meet him at bed time. The day before I setup mid day with my Nukem Hunting Blind and gear and left everything in place for a day to settle down. 4 pm I went to the place he roost and waited until late fly up time. He comes in gobbling as he comes. I know his favorite tree and I’m hunkered down nearby.
As the sun sets and he sings a good night song from a different tree across the field. WTF. I’ve watched this bastard roost in this same tree for weeks and tonight he switched up!?
So now I’m dead tired of all day hunts for weeks. So as he is gobbling on the roost into the dark I slowly close in on him like the predator I am. I can clearly see his silhouette against the sun setting skyline.
I plan my moves for the morning.
This time I’m setup practically under him with a big thicket separating us. Making NO calls or decoys he hammers off rattling the leaves! The sun is rising the amazing sky is warming the morning as I wait.
I can tell as his calls changed to quiet clucks he’s about to fly down. And then…. He pitched down just 10 yards in front of me with no clue I was there. I squeezed the trigger on my Umerx Air Saber Pro and closed the saga.
This ends my season. As I look over my adversary with great respect and reverence I pause to pay my respects to a very worthy opponent

As I walk down this lane for the last time for the season I pause and reflect on the amazing season I’ve had.
It never gets old but we sure do. At 67 and playing this game close to 30 years, Im blessed to still be healthy enough to play this game of Wile E Coyote & the Roadrunner.
As a run and gunner gobbler hunter the Nukem Hunting Blind is an essential part of my kit. I’m happy it’s come to a rewarding end.
Now time to get on that honey do list I’ve neglected for the past 4 weeks.