Will the 7mm That’s Being Introduced by the Wolfiek Group Prove to be Better for Competitive Shooters?

I read this article in Hard Air Mag. Looks interesting, but I don’t know enough about ballistics to understand the significance of a new caliber that will sit between .25 and .30 caliber pellets and slugs.

Assuming there are some ballistic advantages to be had with a 7mm versus a .25 or .30....hope he has better luck with the endeavor than I have had promoting the .20. 🙄

Ive gone blue in the face spreading the word about how, fpe for fpe, the orphan/bastard .20 caliber beats the tar out of the .177 and .22 that it sits between. And nobody seems to care. They just want 35 different projectile options, even if 32 of them are not accurate and have piss poor BCs.
Assuming there are some ballistic advantages to be had with a 7mm versus a .25 or .30....hope he has better luck with the endeavor than I have had promoting the .20. 🙄

Ive gone blue in the face spreading the word about how, fpe for fpe, the orphan/bastard .20 caliber beats the tar out of the .177 and .22 that it sits between. And nobody seems to care. They just want 35 different projectile options, even if 32 of them are not accurate and have piss poor BCs.
If I could get a drop in .20 barrel, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It sounds like a person needs to know a machinist to get it to fit a gun.
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7mm would be a SLUG ONLY caliber as projectile lengths are long that also require a somewhat fast twist rate to stabilize them.
SCOTCHMO ( Scott H ) has played extensively with the caliber in his Custom High Power Extreme rifle.

Do a AGN Search under 7mm and posted by SCOTCHMO
Some very technical info on it's use in a PCP

7mm would be a SLUG ONLY caliber as projectile lengths are long that also require a somewhat fast twist rate to stabilize them.
SCOTCHMO ( Scott H ) has played extensively with the caliber in his Custom High Power Extreme rifle.

Do a AGN Search under 7mm and posted by SCOTCHMO
Some very technical info on it's use in a PCP

That gun looks like an anti-material rifle. It's a bit loud, too.
That gun looks like an anti-material rifle. It's a bit loud, too.
Scott H came up last month and we shot at IONE for the Long Range silhouette match.
Scott H shot his newer 308 PCP Rig and I got to shoot his 7mm PCP rig that has won at EBR ( Arizona ) a couple times being a VERY capable rig !!
The match with some sighters and for giggles shots likely @ 80 shots with the 7mm going out as far as range allowed ... 500 meters !!

The 7mm was solid out to about 350m or so, but wind shifts made any accuracy beyond that iffy at best.

Scott H with his .308 monster !!

The Ione 500 m range

Myself with the 7mm beast


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Assuming there are some ballistic advantages to be had with a 7mm versus a .25 or .30....hope he has better luck with the endeavor than I have had promoting the .20. 🙄

Ive gone blue in the face spreading the word about how, fpe for fpe, the orphan/bastard .20 caliber beats the tar out of the .177 and .22 that it sits between. And nobody seems to care. They just want 35 different projectile options, even if 32 of them are not accurate and have piss poor BCs.
Yeah can't even bring back a very popular caliber from back in the day, fat chance of a new one unless it's just so mind blowingly better compared to whats out there already which will never happen.
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I don't see 7mm in airguns as being used for anything other than "gonzo long distance" shooters with ridiculously large and expensive kit.

If you pest, .22 and .25 are so established. I find I never need more than .22, although I know there are plenty of people that like going up to .25 for raccoons.
I read this article in Hard Air Mag. Looks interesting, but I don’t know enough about ballistics to understand the significance of a new caliber that will sit between .25 and .30 caliber pellets and slugs.

Which 7mm? Real 7mm, 277 or 284? 😁
@delooper I’m thinking this caliber is geared towards competitive shooters. I really don’t know much about it though.
Yeah, but then why not 6mm? 6mm Creedmore is a very accurate high BC long range projectile.

Regardless of projectile size the reason I think this could work is that they appear to be building the gun and the projectile for it - that has a much higher probability of success.
Yeah, but then why not 6mm? 6mm Creedmore is a very accurate high BC long range projectile.

Regardless of projectile size the reason I think this could work is that they appear to be building the gun and the projectile for it - that has a much higher probability of success.
@ctshooter The gun and barrels. Not sure if the barrels will be for other gun manufactures or not.
Assuming there are some ballistic advantages to be had with a 7mm versus a .25 or .30....hope he has better luck with the endeavor than I have had promoting the .20. 🙄

Ive gone blue in the face spreading the word about how, fpe for fpe, the orphan/bastard .20 caliber beats the tar out of the .177 and .22 that it sits between. And nobody seems to care. They just want 35 different projectile options, even if 32 of them are not accurate and have piss poor BCs.
Our advocacy for 20 is for the exact reasons 7mm is being explored I think. Makes me wonder why long slippery 25 cal slugs aren't in vogue when 6.5mememore took hold of centerfire.

I'm willing to bet it's got more to do with pneumatics than projectile design. Unless they found a power level limit for their platform and are trying to exploit that number while writing it off as caliber hype... Just guesses.

Powder burner guys are probably having dejavu.
The 7mm twist rate aviable at tj , are either to fast 1-14 ot to slow 1-18 .. the first 7mm air gun I saw was a corsair by Cedric with the 1-14 and it shoot great but only slugs from 135gr n up not to many guns with the juice to push that weight at 950fps at that time. And only 2 or 3 molds aviable on that weightn. now there has been a few texan buids when the 1-18 was made . But I imagine that wasn't stellar either .. why I must think that the twist is wrong.. some air guners kept using the rule of the 1.5 of minimum stability factor n that rule doesn't apply to pcp in a PB you could always ad more power but we can't add more air.. in post about the .257 was a line that said.. I don't know why the combination of the 1-14 and the 257-420 would so good , but it does.. when you use the measurements n weight of the 257-420 in the 1-14 twist it gives you a stability factor of .244 way above the 1.5 .. so in order to prove to my self .. I paid for the tooling and have my barrels made.. in .224 - from 48 to 52 gr 1-10.5 .. for 52 to 57 gr 1-9.5 for 60 to 70gr 1-8.5 .. and they all work flawless for each weight n length that was intended for.. I have 3 in 257 made also but those are next to be worked on.. 1-12 for 85gr and 1-8 n 1-9 to see wich of the two work with 105 gr spizer boat tails.. all using the .244 as a base for stability.. base on that for a 7mm slug with a weight of 108gr wich is the best bullet mold aviable for 7mm this should have been the twist...that is as close as i could get it to .244 .. the caliber with the best selection in molds is the 257. For casters 6mm. N 7mm is a hard choice . very little variety of molds.. n for me would suck that in order to shoot i have to keep buying slugs at $25+ by 100 slugs.
They are probably trying to make the 7mm airgun caliber comparable to the 6mm PPC of the powder burner world. I do offer 130gr. .285 for airguns and blackpowder.
@sonnysan What’s this got to do with the thread? if you ready have them then the people needing that value r should already know where to buy them. This isn’t that sort of thread. Go peddle your projectiles elsewhere.