Will the price of air rifles growing hurt the market?

I keep watching the price of air guns sky rocketing and wonder when will they flood the market to the point they start
losing money?🤔 The question is not will it, it is when? The economy will dictate that. Just look at the auto industry,
the RV,s, boats, ect. Now yes I see new models being sold out every day as you do, but how long will that last. I wonder
just say the a 357 Bulldog that just a few years back could be bought for around $600. Today $1000 bare bones. You
people know what I,m saying. Avenger the hottest selling pcp could be had for under $300 just a few years back. Now the
same gun is still priced around $360, not bad, but you can find the new stock models for over $700? I would like to here your
thoughts on this?

I keep watching the price of air guns sky rocketing and wonder when will they flood the market to the point they start
losing money?🤔 The question is not will it, it is when? The economy will dictate that. Just look at the auto industry,
the RV,s, boats, ect. Now yes I see new models being sold out every day as you do, but how long will that last. I wonder
just say the a 357 Bulldog that just a few years back could be bought for around $600. Today $1000 bare bones. You
people know what I,m saying. Avenger the hottest selling pcp could be had for under $300 just a few years back. Now the
same gun is still priced around $360, not bad, but you can find the new stock models for over $700? I would like to here your
thoughts on this?

A lot of times the price is "what the market will stand " just look at the popular rise in High power big bore guns , the same .22 gun with a different barrel and settings .
I don’t think the market will ever be hurt significantly. In the big picture this hobby isn’t really that expensive. Look at all the campers, boats, motorcycles etc that are rolling up and down the roads that are up in the 10’s of thousands of dollars. People always seem to still do what they do in the long run.
@Fly It may be a bit of an exageration or a mistake on your part. I bought a new Bulldog in 2021 and don't recall seeing them go for $600. I did find an outlet that sold them cheaper than others, but IIRC it cost more that $600. Back then you could buy a new Bulldog with a scope, soft rifle case, bipod and a box of slugs for $999.99 if I'm not mistaken. But yes, I've noticed an increase in pricing seemingly across the board.
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This state of the economy is certain to have some effect on our hobby...That being said...The vast majority of my "best" most cherished airguns...PCP and springers were aquired used from top quility members in perfect or near perfect condition for WAY less than new...I've been on the selling end too for guns other members wanted...Point is more guns, quility guns, may become available per the tough economy. Good time to have cash...just be careful who you deal with!
There continue to be new inexpensive guns offered too. Crossman just introduced the 3622 which they have on their website with a hand pump for $220. It has iron sights and putting a scope on it is apparently a bit of a challenge but still, that's a low price. There are others under $300. The thing that could really impact the entry level pricing would be if China got out of that market or there started to be big tarriffs on their products. I don't think that is the source of the Crosman gun but it is where a lot of the lower priced guns, hand pumps, and compressors as well as scopes and chronographs and other gear come from.
@Fly It may be a bit of an exageration or a mistake on your part. I bought a new Bulldog in 2021 and don't recall seeing them go for $600. I did find an outlet that sold them cheaper than others, but IIRC it cost more that $600. Back then you could buy a new Bulldog with a scope, soft rifle case, bipod and a box of slugs for $999.99 if I'm not mistaken. But yes, I've noticed an increase in pricing seemingly across the board.
Well with a scope I can see that driving the cost way up. I know they do not put the highest quality scope on that
Bulldog but it is much better that those cheap scopes that come on a $300 gun. Scopes can cost well over the
price of the gun. I,m talking a bare bones Bulldog. I really consider buying one but i would not pay that of any
plastic stock gun. Not that I have anything against plastic stocks, most of my guns have plastic stocks. But that
is what has sold me on AEA rifles. I have a 357 & a 30 cal that will match the power of about any of there competition,
as quality with wood stock & all. These guns can be made at a much lower cost.I would love to see Gamo get into
the PCP market, more than they have. I hated seeing the Beeman company be bought out. Those were great cheapo
rifles. Nice wood stock, very accurate, but little weak on power, but even came with a scope for less than $200. I
had one I gave to a kid I thought the world of, that had no father. I guarantee I made a life long air gunner out of
that kid.
Well with a scope I can see that driving the cost way up. I know they do not put the highest quality scope on that
Bulldog but it is much better that those cheap scopes that come on a $300 gun. Scopes can cost well over the
price of the gun. I,m talking a bare bones Bulldog. I really consider buying one but i would not pay that of any
plastic stock gun. Not that I have anything against plastic stocks, most of my guns have plastic stocks. But that
is what has sold me on AEA rifles. I have a 357 & a 30 cal that will match the power of about any of there competition,
as quality with wood stock & all. These guns can be made at a much lower cost.I would love to see Gamo get into
the PCP market, more than they have. I hated seeing the Beeman company be bought out. Those were great cheapo
rifles. Nice wood stock, very accurate, but little weak on power, but even came with a scope for less than $200. I
had one I gave to a kid I thought the world of, that had no father. I guarantee I made a life long air gunner out of
that kid.
@Fly I am only speaking on the Bulldog. If my memory serves me the original .357 Bulldog went for around $799.99 for just the gun at Airgun Depot and Pyramyd Air in 2020. I bought a more in later years, so I'm speaking from experience as an owner of several.
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Speak of the devil I just got this email alert
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Sign of the times i recon, in Denmark nothing get better and everything get more expensive, it have been that way as far back as i can remember.
Sure we have biuld a few bridges and so you do not have to take a ferry ASO, but society wide substantial things i can not recall a single one.

Some airguns / brands i recon will keep going up, and like the fruit brand and other top tier phones they will probably still sell well.
And others will pick up the slack in the low and mid tier airguns.
And it is already where i do not want to shoot say 50 M with my friend, CUZ his rifle costing a fraction of mine pretty much shoot just as good.
My my rifles more power and i suppose other winning characteristics on further distances, well that do have a high price i feel.

As i recall when i was a kid / young, Denmark had top tier hospitals and doctors, today i think our best hospital rank 20 or something
And the new so called " super " hospitals we are building, well some not yet done even if they should have been, they have walls with insulation dripping in water, all water pipes having to be replaced ( water in walls not to blame on pipes ) and really it would probably be cheaper to tear the several 100 million hospital down and start all over.

Remember we have full public healthcare here, tough also a few little private hospitals so the elite can pay to bypass waiting lists all other have to deal with.
The prices go up because guys compete by buying more expensive ones. It's just like the AR15 craze. Unless you have all the latest tech you are wearing little boy shoes.

As long as the odd chromosome forces us to measure our masculinity by the hardware we shoot there will be manufacturers selling expensive guns to express that.

I expect this trend to continue until that odd chromosome grows another leg.

It's the same with cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, camping gear, fishing gear and firearms. There is no reason to think it will be any different with PCP's.

Everything guys are willing to spend a months pay on appeals to their masculinity. PCP'S fit that niche perfectly. When most guys are no longer focused on air rifles as a way to express their personality they will become more reasonably priced. That's not going to happen on the high end soon.

Air rifles are cool. I think they will be a long lived "hobby". Even when the "hobbyists" are following other trends there will still be a core of guys who are more about airguns as a "discipline" or as a "tool" for getting a job done. I think it's going to be as popular as firearms. Maybe even more.

I predict an explosion of guys tooling up to make them. Just like the AR15 craze only with less regulation. I bet there will be good affordable rifles when more guys start whipping out PCP's on their CNC's and making BFD's.

I think there will be hundreds of small machine shops cranking out PCP's and components for them. More than were building AR15's back in 2010. It's bound to cause prices to come down and new designs to come out.
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