Will the price of air rifles growing hurt the market?

I do not think so, people will pay what they have to in order to get what they want. You are talking sports or hobby, some it may hurt ,but it is insignificant.What pisses me off is the price of ice cream and candy bars,I quit buying those, and sure not taking up drinking,heck I can buy more pellets. It is the price of goods that affects more people..Not this hobby another thing is some PCP already have cost too much for many years, yet people still buy them...,not to worry I am a very disagreeable person:ROFLMAO:
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Bed rock Bob you bring up some great points. But unless this economy turn’s around I can‘t see how
it can not hurt this industry. We shall see. One thing about the ones of us that already have guns will
still shoot shoot what we have.


The economy isn't bad. People are spending like crazy. Unemployment is at record lows. Wages are rising and inflation is tapering off. CD's have been paying 5% for the past couple years. Where's the rub?

Guys are working making money. Oil is booming. Welders are welding and electricians are wrangling electrons. Everyone is running around in big diesel pickups making money to buy more air rifles.

I don't think we are going to run out of guns or guys wanting to shoot them. The number of guys able to afford high end guns will always be limited and the economy is going to rise and fall. I don't see it affecting the airgun industry any more than it has the firearm industry.
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No different to all the brands of sporting gear threw the centuries or decades. There has always been cheap entry to the High End products.

Overall life reality of $$ paid, how used or expectations met or not will go be what it is.
Got the money you spend it, Not so much then buy something less costly.
Now lets not forget one mans trash may very likely be viewed as treasure of another and is changing no time soon.