With all the swirling winds in the back yard, how do you find the right pellet?
Is 50 yards a typical distance for you? What power and caliber rifle, and what pellets have you tested? Regardless of those answers, I think you will find that the pellets that should best, will shoot best under all conditions, so don't test in the wind. Test in the calm, select your best pellet, then learn to shoot in the wind! And when you accomplish that, please write a book. I've been practicing for over 50 years and I still need a lucky day to shoot well in the wind. But, as Gary Player said, the more I practice, the luckier I get.Understand wind deflection. I have it coming from around and over the houses and ever changing wind coming over and around adjoining woods. I will make the adjustment for the wind at 50 yards and before I shoot it will change to the other direction. Just very frustrating.