Hope they don’t disconnect you from your pain IV by tomorrow like they did me. Two days after a four level neck fusion with titanium rods and anchors tge dr comes in and tells the nurse to disconnect me from my happy juice and now just pills every four hours and no sooner. It was the most miserable time of my life.
It’s one thing to be in pain before surgery, but the pain from post surgery after they’ve chiseled off parts of your spine then screwed in anchors and rods into bone, then take away the good stuff almost immediately? I don’t ever want to go thru that again.
Hopefully they take better care of you in pain management. If they fused all those levels in your back like you said, and added steel, your looking at 3-5 months of hurt. They may order you a fiberglass clamshell torso suit that you have to wear for 3 months