Huben Wondering if I can fill a Huben GK1 SHORTY with a 12 volt pcp 4500 psi clunker compressor to 5000psi.. Im having a hard time finding a 5k compressor

I'm wondering if I can safely fill a huben Gk1 SHORTY with a 12v pcp clunker compressor. I'm having a hard time finding an affordable 5k compressor

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Most "clunky" compressors will push to 300 Bar/ 4500 psi. Because of their design, clunky, they will not last long when being pushed to the max. You could always fill to something less than you max and above the regulator setting to be able to play. The new GX 4-I compressor ( ) will push to a claimed 5800 psi. I have several older GX compressors and they have served me well with nothing but routine maintenance.
Most "clunky" compressors will push to 300 Bar/ 4500 psi. Because of their design, clunky, they will not last long when being pushed to the max. You could always fill to something less than you max and above the regulator setting to be able to play. The new GX 4-I compressor ( ) will push to a claimed 5800 psi. I have several older GX compressors and they have served me well with nothing but routine maintenance.
Thank for the feedback rdtricks.
Suprised you could get into a shorty GK1 and not a good compressor Look into GX cs4. Or AEA compressor.they will easily fill it .
Devink, I actually own a tuxing TXES022 compressor and a 2litre scuba cylinder. And 2 clunkers. But everything is rated 4500 psi. Will it be a safe thing to do if I was to fill the scuba tank to 5000psi with the Tuxing compressor if the burst disk allows it? I'm trying to be safe with it. High pressure is scary. I appreciate your feedback
I actually don't own a huben. I have a AEA S45, and several other rifles. Everything I have is rated at 4500psi. I'm intrigued by the previews the GK1 shorty is having and was contemplating getting me a shorty. That's why I'm wondering if it was safe to go up to 5000 psi with a clunker compressor. Or even filling a 2 litre scuba tank to 5000psi with a Tuxing TXES022 if the burst dusk allows it. The tank is rated 4500psi. I wouldn't wanna blow my equiptment by pushing it too far. High pressure is dangerous. Good to be sure before you experiment. I like to get advice from the pros. I've been into airgunning a little over a year. I'm intrigued by the experience. The huben looks like it packs a lot of punch in a little package. I like it. I appreciate all of the feedback. Thank you all.
I got a shorty from Kelly and a K1 from Kelly and my GX CS4 E was bought specifically for those two guns. Well, actually my nomad 2 let me down and i needed another. When looking i had the Huben's in mind specifically in my search.

Psycho62 , thanks I guess it'll make sense to get a GX CS4 E if I was to get the GK1 and not risk damaging the equiptment I already have.. how you feel about your shorty, if you don't mind me asking.
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Psycho62 , thanks I guess it'll make sense to get a GX CS4 E if I was to get the GK1 and not risk damaging the equiptment I already have.. how you feel about your shorty, if you don't mind me asking.
Absolutely love it. Its more compact, which we know therefore its alot easier to pack around the woods, barn etc... im gonna get another and keep it original in .25 cal and use it for a small rifle/carbine. I have the k1 bullpup and just got another fx, the drs classic but i want something even smaller and lighter than those. I have a prod with the buttstock on it but i like a semiauto. Kelly @krazcool is awesome with these guns

Absolutely love it. Its more compact, which we know therefore its alot easier to pack around the woods, barn etc... im gonna get another and keep it original in .25 cal and use it for a small rifle/carbine. I have the k1 bullpup and just got another fx, the drs classic but i want something even smaller and lighter than those. I have a prod with the buttstock on it but i like a semiauto. Kelly @krazcool is awesome with these guns

See,That's why I'm thinking of getting one, I here nothing but good things about it. Psycho62 I appreciate ur feedback.
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See,That's why I'm thinking of getting one, I here nothing but good things about it. Psycho62 I appreciate ur feedback.
Absolutely brother. I been here a few years now and ive had tons of good dudes help me out. Im no expert even after 50 years of airguns. If i can ill try my best to help anyone in this awesome community. You are good people, i can tell and im proud to help. Thank you for kind words man, thats cool.

You have to consider these compressors are tested at one and a half times their max pressure rating. In theory, you can go to 6750psi with the compressor, but the PRV will blow out or burst disc will burst at whatever pressure they're set at, which is probably somewhere near 4500 PSI. It probably came with an extra burst disc and the prv should reset itself. I'm thinking, if you're already willing to buy another compressor, why not just use the one you have until it doesn't work anymore. And to hedge your bet, you could probably get a higher rated prv from McMaster Carr