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Woodchuck with a 1950s pneumatic

 This woodchuck has given me the bum rush, on three different occasions. I’m out for a quiet walk in the woods, and we accidentally end up way too close together. Yesterday I spotted him 5 feet from me, hello! He charged right at me, I yelled and ran. I was not heeled. 

He has rushed at me before, but not from 5 feet.

Today I was carrying some iron. The Sheridan super grade model ‘B’,With peep sites. I was shooting it at 100 yards earlier this week, I knew it was accurate enough.

I spotted him at 40 yards (apparently it’s easier when you’re looking). I called “hey woody”. And he stood up to look around. I drilled him in the neck. 

The old super grades are such cool rifles.


They can become very aggressive. I had one that took over a farm I owned but visited infrequently. It charged us in the driveway (me & the wifey). I told her to back off and keep an eye on him while I ran inside and got the 20 ga I kept hidden there. I ran back out, but the little bastid was too close to my new truck for a shot. Wife says ‘i’ll get him away from the truck, and you shoot him.” She goes over to it and swings her long handled purse at it. He hissed at at her and ran under my truck. I told her to throw a rock at him and when he came out, I’d shoot him. After a series of consecutively larger rocks were used, he ran out and I blasted him.
Nice story and beautiful gun. I had one attack my farm tractor several years ago, and I wasn't armed. I went up on the hill the next day and took a pistol with me. He attacked again and I shot him. I thought maybe he was rabid or sick some other way, but I just don't know. Never seen one like that before or after that incident. Also, good shot Flint.

Bob in WV
 They are generally very timid. However, If the vegetation is high enough so that you can’t see them, and they can’t see you... you will eventually end up way too close together. Their defense mechanism, seems to be to run. I don’t think they’re very particular about which direction they run in. It can be very disconcerting if they run towards you, especially on thick cover.

i would prefer to leave them be, but I don’t like to be charged by 10 pound rodent like beasts in thick cover.

I believe in some of the other posts above, the animal was probably sick.

This one is actually an oddball. I did a post a week earlier under the bench rest heading, 100 yard groups with the same rifle. This is not a standard model B. It is 22 caliber, and believe it or not it shoots 18 grain JSBs at over 30 foot pounds. It is very accurate.

It was converted by the previous owner many years ago, because he couldn’t physically pump the rifle. I did not realize it had been modified until after I won the auction. I am actually very pleased with its current form. Ingvar had a mind boggling collection.

I would want more than 12 ft pnds on a WoodChuck.

