Woodchucking, it's about time I guess

I finally started shooting woodchucks with my airguns and it is like when I started shooting them as a kid with a .22, it's fun again. I took the long way to get back to here, did the whole tour; .22 to .22mag to 22-250, played with a .17hmr for a while and now, PCP. I really love being able to not scare everything to ground and getting more opportunities for shots. I had tried using a 30fpe .22 Gauntlet last year but after one shot decided that I wasn't comfortable with that power level and moved to .25 caliber. I have a P15 shooting JSB Kings at 45fpe and a MROD shooting JSB MkII's at 58fpe and yesterday shot a chuck with the P15 and today another with the MROD. The difference in performance seems to be bigger than the numbers would suggest. I won't be using the Kings any more for anything bigger than squirrels. Even with the P15 shooting them a lot slower, the MkII's do 50fpe and it seems to me that energy on target is more effective with the heavier pellet. Luckily, for me, they both shoot very close to the same accuracy out of each gun. I know that everyone around these forums loves their 40 for 40 tunes and using the Kings but I am going to pass on that for woodchucks at least. Another pellet that I have used on porcupines that really has awesome penetration is the Benjamin 27gr domes. Using the P15, at 15y, I shot at an old 2" thick Hemlock staging plank, and blew right threw it. That really surprised me at the time. The Kings are just going to be doing long range spinner duty from now on, they are great for that, and red squirrels. I have been mostly just really into plinking at long range spinners the last couple of years but there are a lot of woodchucks this year so it was high time to get back to work on them and it has been fun to actually have to try again.
It can be done, and pretty easily if everything is just right, but those times seem to be happening less and less, and if I determine that a pest needs to be shot, I take the shot given. More power (excessive power) helps, it certainly doesn't hinder, and if you have it to use, or are deciding something to use, than up your odds. Coming from shooting them with Varmint Grenade bullets and even .17hmr, I still don't want to chance it. JMO I shoot mostly standing, I don't low crawl into position anymore and I really don't like laying down with the ticks to take a shot either and that has a lot to do with it.

Edit: and just has a sidenote, I used my P15 last weekend with Kings, and a dot sight, and shot one in the head at 65 yards. They can do it, obviously, but I am not in a race to the bottom. This isn't England and we have better options. I just think that at 25gr and really soft lead, at .25 caliber the Kings are not going to be my woodchuck go to round, that's all. On the other hand, I would use the .22 caliber 25gr redesigned if my .22 could do 45fpe because I think the smaller diameter would make a difference for penetration. A real fine line that I am walking, I know.
Just got 2 Saturday with my Flashpup running 25.39 gr JSB Kings at 892 fps. First one was big and at 50 yds took more than one hit to anchor it last shot was running at 64 yds double lung. It matrixed the first shot and took a body shot instead of a head shot. Second was perfect standing broadside shot at 50 yds base of the skull. Drt. I think I'm up to 7 or 8 this year with this set up.
I've been at if for a couple weeks myself! I just took one at 53 yards with my Dreamline 22 while out hunting sparrows and starlings. 18.1gr JSB, headshot no problem. 900 fps @32 fpe. That's my max range for chucks with the 22 until I tune it up for slugs. It was clean and quick, but definitely not the 25 haha. I set of holes I'm watching now. The place is loaded with them and I've got perfect spots and the wind figured out. It's a double whammy because it's also loaded with birds Taipan shoots 34gr JSB MK2s at 850 53 ft lbs, no issues inside 100 yards with properly placed shot😎👌

Standard, great gun! Stupid consistent and accurate. The standard shoots Kings and Heavies 1"all day at 100. Also have a long 22 as well. They're my go to small game guns. Perfect to carry in the woods. No bullpoop knobs and dials, super durable and tough, relatively compact. I have a new FX, and TBH the Taipans are still my favorite, not sure how I feel about my FX yet even though it's accurate.