@pesty3782 I prefer slinging it across my body for long walks as in headed to a particular location to post. I would do this if I was going to a pasture to set up shooting off my tripod. It’s easier carrying the Rattler and tripod in two pieces as opposed to attached to one another.Ezana4CE
What was the best way you found to carry it? I had a pack on and had my shooting stick attached to it. I kept changing arms and I think my STEALTH biceps took all the weight.....
Tony P.
When walking in timber or brush it’s comfortable slinging it over one shoulder. My issue with this is since I have a loop sling clip on one end I have to be care about how I take it off of my shoulder because the metal will clank if I’m not careful.
Then if you have a 2-1 point sling like this one you can detach the front clip and hook it into a D-ring that is close to your shoulder and let it hang in front of you. It does take a toll on your neck and shoulder, but you can grab the gun and relive some of that pressure while you walk. The trick here is to be sure that you’ve taken enough slack out of the sling so that the gun doesn’t deal the ground. This especially important for people shorter that let’s say 6’ tall varying rifles 36” or longer.m which the Rattler obviously is. There are variation on how to carry it in a 1-point sling configuration. This is The easiest configuration to carry the rifle to have it at the ready quickly. However, the only way I know to use this configuration is by installing a Kraford and Lyft buthook.
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