Wow check out the lines on the Brocock Compatto

"Rubicon_Joey"Found this image to...

I like the shape but, does anyone else like nice checkering and beautiful dark wood? I also like a full check piece to rest my face on, looks like it's good enough for a solid mount but, I do like to place as much of my face on the stock as possible.
Brocock make some good rifles. The cheek piece doesn't look very inviting though. Feels uncomfortable by the looks of it. 
Great looking light carbine. As for the cheek rest, different facial structures mean that it will fit some and some it will not. An adjustable cheek rest would probably work for all. I also notice in Ted's photo the scope rings are mounted directly on the gun and in the upper photos it appears the rings are mounted on an M4 type picatinny riser for added height.

Where did you find some info? I wish I could find some specs on it. Is the barrel full length, does it have a pressure gauge, etc. The Brocock website is like "Ground Hog Day", when your on the website, it's says, for more information, go to their website. But, there isn't any info or specs. It's not even listed under their products tab.
The Compatto isn't actually in the shops or for sale in the UK yet. That's why it is not on the products tab. Due to be released into the wild any day/week now.

The spec does seem to be hard to find on the website, but it was there. From memory:
Yes it has a guage on the end of the tube.
I cannot remember the barrel length, but it is apparently "full length" looks around 16 or 17 inches It is shrouded and quite thin (like some BSAs).
Weight 5lbs
Shots per fill 30-35 at 30fpe in .22.

Someone did a video at the Brocock stand at my local Midlands Game Fair last month.
I called AOA today and they didn't have much info. All they said was they're ordered, but not sure when they will arrive. They also don't know anything about the gun, because they're new. Don't know if they are loud or quiet, or moderated at all. Once they arrive, they'll shoot them, play around with them, and post all the specs.
Guess we will just have to wait and see.