My observation, since recently buying a PelletGage, is that the head size, as denoted on the tin label, has little bearing as to it's contents.
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Bori must be getting forgetful as time passes, because he is the one I bought them from. The pellets I have a the Jumbo Monster Stratons, nott the pointy Jumbo Heavy Stratons, which weigh in at 25.39. Let me know if you interesred in a PM...$8 for 200 pellets.... tins are all sealed"chasdicapua"I called Bori and he said that he's never gotten and JSB pellets in 5.51 head diameter. Spoke with Jim at PA and he's heard of them but doesn't have any at the moment. Thank God for the Air Arms 16gr 5.51's! What's the weight of those Jumbo heavy stratons? I'm always interested in something 5.51! Thanks Mike