That's some great Shooting JImmy....looks like the cricket is treating you well! Pretty soon we'll be seeing your name all over the leader boards!"CampFussell"Well, I finally made it to the 240 club three times in a row.
After several feeble attempts this morning in the wind and scores in the low 230's. I waited till later in the evening for the wind to die down.
Also I was trying a new grip on the earlier targets by barely touching the rifle and only squeezing the trigger with my thumb behind the grip for leverage. I went back to my regular grip for my last 3 targets.
I shot a 247 with 8 x's on the first one, and then dropped to a 244 with 5 x's, followed by a 241 with only 3 x's
Number 2 does look questionable, but the scoring gauge did touch the ten ring when inserted into the hole
When I am shooting a match, I would say that my grip is firm enough to hold a live bird without harming it. I find that when I grip the rifle too hard, my hand will twitch a little throwing off my aim."strikefast"Jimmy, I believe if we talk to Jim Stanis, Mike Manabe and other top tier competitors we would get the same answers. Jim told me he takes as much of himself out if holding the gun as possible.
Also most of the guns have wide and heavy fore arms to for stability. Did you use the new front rest to shoot yesterday?
Great shooting CK....Can't wait to see how much you can improve with the new Thomas Rifle!! It will be a whole different style of shooting."Coldking"I've noticed that not having any contact with the rifle is difficult - I've been trying the eyes on- only and have noticed that when I place my cheek ever so slightly on the cheek rest,the scores improve --
i can't wait to try the Thomas to see if not having a cheek piece is a help or hindrance --
i also note that it is easier for me to gain sight picture acquisition when my cheek makes contact with the cheek piece
i don't use or make contact with the buttstock -
also for me, a good smooth lite 2 stage trigger makes a big difference - break around 2 ounces
note on target 21 - some staining - an unfortunate reptile ;-)
also another shot caused the wood backing to protrude through the hole?
didn't really have much time through the holidaze to shoot-