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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

"Coldking"Before dark got in another card -
damn wind though -switching -swirling making it difficult to holdoff 

As always....Great shooting CK!! I hope I can shoot as well as you did a my match tomorrow. Conditions should be fantastic, so I have no excuses. But I have to say you are one heck of a shot in windy conditions!!
Peace and BR Grease
Thanks Mike! 
I just returned from my Sillouette air pistol match-- won it in a tie break shoot off with the match director!! Gawd I love to win like that! ;-) 
i wishing you and Jimmy a win -he's at his FT event today, I think he said it's a 4 hour drive one way?
i gotta get used to them drives I guess? Talked to my match director today, about BenchRest matches, he was enthusiastic but of the 12 people who showed up for the pistol match,nobody had any interest, saying it cost to much money to be competitive in BenchRest- 
but I reminded them that the air pistol matches are routinely won by Russian pistols -- 
well at least on the daze that I don't show up😬
Again good luck tomorrow Mike 
'peace and winning Grease 
-Here is a CAD drawing of what is needed to score a 10 and an X on the international target. The .150" circle represents the typical hole that a .177" pellet makes on cardstock....and the .224" is how it will plug. Posting this may help guys from posting errors in their scores . if everyone knows what an unplugged holes position is on the target to score.
Plain and simple....If you are half way between the 8 and 10 ring with a pellet hole....it will not plug as a 10. If you have more room on the 10 ring side of the hole than the 8 ring side....there is absolutely no way it will plug a 10 unless the guy scoring in manhandling the plug and shoving it inward.'

i would like to delve into scoring of the 25yd/mtr cards
the 9 ring is .31495 dia

and the plug dims we use is .224
and when we have a questionable non 10 it is almost always always split by the 9 ring

as shown if it is exactly half & half it is not a 10 by .006 approx the thickness of calling card
and if you look at one split in the middle it will look like it is mostly out because more of the volume shows outside
lets take Pauls bull 18 we questioned
it looks out doesn't it ?

now lets take a closer look

what we were seeing was the shadow affect
lets analyze and measure

Paul is a 10 by only .0029 (almost three thousands of an inch) but it is a ten (10) :)
this is where the electronic scoring is falling down
our eyes can see this when we plug
Awesome shooting Frank. And a really great scoring tutorial from you and Dick. You guys have it down pat.

Congrats on your win with the pistol match Frank ;-)

Yeah, I lucked up and got a win today in the unlimited FT class at our club, but only because there were only two of us.Oh, and the guy that was one point behind me in unlimited....it was his first match ;-) He shot Chris Berry's Steyr and that was his first match and his first time with a rifle he's not used to? He was the winner if you ask me ;-)

Today ,I shot everything off the bucket, or seat in my case. Couldn't get my small bipod to cooperate for prone position? Heck, the hunter class put me to shame and quite a few sproingers did as well. Just one of those wins at being in the right class at the right time! LOL

Will Piatt made the record books for our club today with a 58 out of possible 60. Highest score ever so far ;-)

Just glad to be home.....will unload the car tomorrow ;-)