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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

Thanks for this post CampFussell. I was just coming onto the forum tonight to ask what the difference was between an x and a 10 on the 25m scoring cards and there was your post!! I've begun to shoot these in my basement with a regulated FX Royale 200. Problem is I only have 20 yards. Best yet is 241. I'll attempt some pics at some point. I'll have to get one of those scorers. Great shooting to those of you that posted on this thread. Awesome actually.
I agree with Jimmy CK.

When that pesky flyer becomes more often then not, I decide it is time to clean it out! Usually it solves the flyers for me. It seems different with air guns then powder guns. With the leading of the barrel it gets clogged in the air rifle after a while and affects the accuracy.

With a powder burners, most guys make the mistake of cleaning it after sighting in for hunting. For example. They shoot the rifle, adjusting the scope to get dead center. Then they go home and clean the barrel removing all the leading that was deposited to get the barrel to hit where they wanted. True, it is not a big deal for 100 yds, but for a long shot at 250 out, it can mean the difference of well placed hit, or a mortal wound that can take days to kill the animal, after running off to disappear.

Now most true long range shooters (800 to 1000 yards) will clean their barrels rt at the range and keep getting their scopes sighted in with the cleaned barrel. Most, not all mind you. Those who strive for long range as well as accurate do this. Ask a military sniper what they do. (if they"ll reveal it)
But this is a subject for another topic and PB forum.....Sorry
CK I follow the K.I.S.S. principle ...I'm sure you heard of it..Keep It Simple Stupid! Works for me all the time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Another good one.....

If you have no issues with poi from the gun and you have not cleaned it....so be it! Leave it as is. It's working for you.

If I don't have an issue I don't clean it. If it shoots off, I will clean it..Simple right?

That is my interpretation of the KISS principle as it applies to me. I only cleaned the Daystate once, and it turned out to be a scope issue instead of the barrel being dirty in the end.

By the way Jimmy's right..I don't see you having any problems with using the Styer for BR, so that Thomas is just going to be an extra gun for you....Let me know when you are bored with it.............LOL
Sorry to hear that Frank. I t is a shame that you cannot get more folks with you to shoot. Our club THAGC have monthly matches and most all participate. Jimmy and I are 4.5 hours away but we make the matches...Except when it gets very hot...Jimmy does not do hot! LOL

Our club hosted the AAFTA nationals this year. We had a good many of our members participate! WE are working on new types of shoots this year including an unlimited class, pistol matches after the rifle match is done, and possible bench rest comps. We are also looking for other venues in the state to hold matches in order to share the distances traveled. 6 of our members just went to the Deep Woods match in SC. It was nice as I only had to travel 15 more minutes then when I go to our club matches...

If you get up this way you are welcome to shoot here at the Fortress of Pelletude or at Camp Fussel with Jimmy and me. If we take a road trip down your way, we can shoot the strings off the young cuties bikini thongs at the beach....(Jimmy might forget the heat for that)....lol

Here is most but not all the members of THAGC in Ennice NC, where the nationals were held the following month. 

Jimmy is third from the rt (Gray shirt) and I am fourth (Blue shirt) Pretty motley crew, huh

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