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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

Great shooting once again CK! Welcome to shooting light varmit :)

There is a tipping point Jimmy, you just have to make your practice more difficult than the match, BR or FT. well, it's kinda hard to make your BR practice more difficult unless you extend the range. For FT I shoot kill zones of 3/8' out to 20yds, 1/2' to 30, 3/4' to 40 and 1" out to 55. For off hand it's 1/2" to 20, 3/4" to 30, and 1" out to 55. Ive yet to clean my practice course. At times it feels like I'm pissing into the wind, but we'll see how it work out in the upcoming season.
Thanks John! Takes a lot more wind dopping to stay on the Xs on some I'd hold in the eight ring - high and left then low and right!really lightweight pellets -- 
a brain teaser to be sure - but all it takes is practice -practice- and I guess that holds true for any discipline -
Mike of Thomas suggests that everybody who wants to be competitive get to know their rig by shooting indoors -so you'll have a standard to go by--
'makes sense - just need to find a space in the house to give me 25 meters without shooting something --
would have been better in my previous house- 5000 sqft to play with- oh well belongs to a big Breasted Blonde now😬
I've been shooting mine at the HV setting, I would like to try open class setting this week.
This working for a living keeps getting in the way of my practice time.
I've got to hit the lotto or something so I can practice more.
The more I shoot my Thomas the more impressed I get.
one thing though, I'd love to mount a Huggett to the end of it to get the noise down.... a project for later.
Hey Mark - I'd been shooting nothing but open class- with the slow twist barrel- 
but do believe it's nesasary for competition to master the 8.4 grain lite weights - LV class-
so im going to continue the practice with them. But yes Mike ( Thomas ) is the master builder -to be sure.
guess it's the guys at the other end of the barrel that need to lift their end up😬_ pun intended 
we both need to win the lottery- 
at least it would get me a private Jet- to take me to these small airports for cometitions
Was almost impossible to shoot today 
managed to put up three cards but was a real challenge to dope the wind in these conditions -at one point I was aiming at the 7 ring to hit center X 
thought you would be able to see the wind flag flying and spinning -
poor video quality ---
sure hope I don't run into any matches with such severe wind conditions-
couldnt post photos- photo bucket is having technical difficulties ------
To Mark 404-
'the Thomas standard twist seems to really like the 8.4 grain AAs - at the 880 FPS mark.
doesnt seem to like the JSBs or the H&Ns though-
ive ordered a stack of pellets - on their way-- 
from 10 grainers to 4.52 head sizes --
I've never owned a rifle that didn't like JSBs --
'the 8.4s really seem to be this barrels magic pellet --
and not cleaning the barrel like with the slow twist ---
for some unknown reason I decided to run a wet patch through the bore, took at least 30 sighters to get back on the mark! Won't do that again-- going to let it ride
see how many cards I can shoot before a cleaning? Mike says that he's shot more than twenty cards before pulling a patch--
oh and as to it being great to finding a job shooting BenchRest -
it would be great to get some Tigerwoods style prize money in the game?
and have sponsors that would supply you their equipment for endorsements - 
guess we picked the wrong sport?
Found this on the Internet : With prices of everything going up, gas, bullets, food ,motels it is hard to justify traveling 400 mile to stay over nite, to pay $50 to $100 to enter a match to shoot up $100 worth of ammo to win a $20 plaqe or a $1.00 match pin.and chase a meaningless stat line.I think big money matches would draw a big croud,and clubs could still get a nice cut,we could not play without our clubs! somthing like $75.00 entery, 40 shooters =$3000 $1,000 to the club and a $2.000 purse divided however you like.if people will drive to win nothing, think how many would show up for a $1.000 first place prize! talk about serious compition and well tuned guns! will still shoot a few sanctioned matches not trying to cut thier throat,but i think a few of these around the country would be a big draw. think about a outlaw nationals,more shooters more entery fee,bigger purse,first place $2,000 everybody would be paying very close attenion,just somthing to think about,what do you think?

----------guess others have been thinking bout it?
I'll have to give the AA pellets a try, so far I've only tried JSB and H&N
I shot 350 rounds through my barrel before I cleaned it, it was still shooting very well.
I pulled two wet (the WD-40 thing has been working great for me) and three dry, first wet was black second wet was very light gray, last dry was clean, 5 shots and it was back in the groove. But every barrel is different as my Steyr barrel does NOT like to be spic and span clean

Yeah, I would love to be paid to travel the world shooting events :)
I tried golf, I was told I did very well, but at the end of 9 holes I was ready to kill ....... anything.
I don't know how anyone can say that golf is relaxing, trying to get that little ball in that darn hole is a pain in the butt, as that goes, I definitely did not pick the wrong sport :)
At this point you know that anyone shooting an event really loves the sport and challenge, anyone who drops the kind of cash on air rifles like most of us have must love the sport, and I know that I'm not done yet, there are at least 2 more on my list of things to get.... a sponsor would be great. 
I think before prize money can start to be offered the clubs will have to get better equipment, as you have stated before CK, some of the benches at sanctioned events are rickety, if you are shooting for a purse a wobbly bench would be an issue, but I do think that would bring a lot of people out, not only to shoot.