Well I am intense about my shooting as well as many things that I do. - I've been at it since childhood --and I mainly shoot 750s -my goal is higher X counts -
I have won every match that I've been invited to this year ( 2 sanctioned ) -- some don't invite me back

Killing my Scoreline -----i was told or warned so to speak, about what you just wrote- that the animosity would grow and I'd have the bullseye on my back!

that most guys can't shoot 750s? I'm not sure why that is though? If you've got the proper gear and mindset - and yes lots of what goes on is between the ears -the contest starts well before you sit at a bench --
As I told one Match director - we can have comradery - but when I sit at the bench - I sit to win-
granted that doesn't always happen - but my belief is Practice and more Practice - and if you've seen a photo of my lead bucket you'll know I try to sling as much lead down range as possible - also try to shoot in every possible condition - winds in the 20mph range -heat darkness you name it. My background is also in 600yard matches so------
the only variable is the differing ranges and distractions - it's one thing to shoot at your own home range - but others practice daily at their home ranges - one of which is Oxnard and that's got to give those people an advantage over a guy who just flys in, has jet lag- then sits to shoot ASAP --
But if you have a home setup and are a good shot, hitting 750s at 25 meters shouldn't be a problem---now hitting 750s out at 100yards -----
but I've heard it all -even going back to my fire burner days - excuses from the local Swat team guys- your barrel ain't getting hot , your rifle doesn't kick? Etc --
'and recently - a favorite -when id won a Florida match, it was said and I quote "guess you really can buy a win"? LOL like you didn't spend thousands of dollars to do the same thing!
Mike of Thomas rifle does 750s daily - nobody bats an eye - but he told me in the beginning some thought he was cheating somehow? LOL
Did you catch my 748 with my Steyr -posted the other day? See not a 750

Cometition on is a strange bird -- even get left handed jabs from the guys who attended a]the matches --'
hey it's all part of the game. But I do enjoy the cometition
and enjoy the hell out of all things gun related
you wouldn't believe some of the memories my childhood friends have of my trick shots -
always been a shooter'
take care
and I'll see if I can muster up a couple of 749s