Well I just finished another set - seems like the plastic signs do the trick? Dint notice any tattered holes -
but this weather is a killer -
sorry to say to the Naysayers but shot another 750 with 49Xs --

Hey I tried to throw a couple of 9s at yah - even have wind and extreme heat!
After the set -I needed to remove the quick silver from my slow twist barrel - always fun suiting up with hazmat gear !
But im going to need to practice open class and the dreaded LV class- really ain't my favorite but ----

do the holes look any better?
You can't go wrong with an Allen Z tune- he is the Master of all things air gun!
My Steyr Hunter high power is mouse fart quiet with Allens schroud--
'Sharroff - when you get a Thomas -I'd be more than happy to share some inside details with you--and you are right- a few Thomas's have made their way in that direction just for some tweaking - not to be confused with Twerking

'as to lemons - I discuss this with my A/C customers daily- call it the lemon factor - From Trane to Carrier - so many lemons per hundred-
it's just the way it is? Some are magical and some are the preverbal nightmare --
but what separates the wheat from the chaff is how the problems are handled after the sale --
in most cases far greater impact than the actual product
also something that seems to be disappearing with an alarming rate --
some time today I've got to do yard work!- LOL
ill keep a look out for them drones!