I understand they do one additional step at Worlds to even the playing field: After each card, you move to a new bench for your next card - several over from your last. So your 3 cards are shot at 3 different benches. This theoretically mitigates advantages and disadvantages of certain bench positions. Of course moving benches would be a hassle and add a lot of time to the match.
Many regulars at Open Grove believe that the best benches are sometimes the extreme left ones, other times the extreme right, depending on the direction of prevailing wind.
Yes Kim. The shooters change benches, generally about a 3rd of the number of benches along which sees each shooter placed somewhat in the range of geographical locations that may be less or more favourable.
The problems relating to equipment compliance were basically negated at The Worlds 2015 in Brisbane by testing every rifle prior to the match.
As well as shooting I was in charge of that procedure for the Air section. I was a busy man with two helpers, one weighing rifles, and John Harrison and I testing velocity. We had checked the two Chronographs used to ensure their values. If any shooter had queried their results we reserved the right to double check with both Chronographs. Not one shooter asked this to be done. I can only recall one shooter having to go away and retune the rifle. When shooters spend that much money to get there and they proudly represent their country they don't want avoidable problems or embarrassment.
Any external power adjustments were taped. Rifles without external adjustments had the action taped to the stock. Tape and stickers had WRABF logo. There were no disqualifications from 90 shooters which is a very satisfactory result.
Most rifles shot 10 to 20 fps on the low side of the power limit with the WRABF proscribed pellets (provided by WRABF) for the calibre. I can only recall a very few shooters who indicated using heavier pellets. These have to have 10 pieces weighed and averaged then shot for power compliance.
All this protocol is in the WRABF rules and it is worthwhile reading.
Frank, I had figured your "home town" winds for what they have been from your reports. A constant predictable wind is the best condition for shooting groups (and therefore scores). It is probably even better than what we may think of as "calm" conditions. To test the latter - get some feather down and release it down range and watch it go down and up, this way and that; and imagine the pellet dynamically adjusting to those nuances of low and higher pressure air "densities".
But as you wrote and implied, only much time spent in all sorts of wind and turbulence will prepare you for it (providing you have a good memory). You did well and scored consistently and obviously enjoyed the whole experience

.......... Best regards, Harry.