Well Percula -I hurried the setup - because I wanted to make sure this set up would work before I tossed the boxes -
and I probably won't get my rig back for another week ??
but the photo you see is what I see -

i had to fidget with the setup parameters to get this clarity? I'd still like it to be much sharper though? But this will suffice for punching paper -not sure about live action sequences shooting game or other off the bench activities -
but it was a very cloudy day as well. Understanding that the device is nothing more than prism's and the unit is completely dependent on the amount of light gathered .
i think I'll try removing the sunshades as well- also would love to check it out on a sunny day.
i used the March Scope set at 50X so I had to go into settings and place the format on narrow and instead of 1200p - used 720 ----
this seemed to help greatly - but it's essential for the ocular of the scope to really line up with the rubber mount of the Eagle Eye device -
I did take some video but unfortunately wasn't able to actually shoot the rifle.
Heres a sample -and I never looked through the scope once only looking at the iPad to scroll across the target!, kinda neat. But I wonder about the USARB rules as it would relate to such a device? The no Electronics ...
Also setting the magnification slightly lower would probably improve resolution as well?
The Hero 4 is a 4K camera capable of astounding video --
just not sure the system design will work well in low light situations
also this Go Pro is a bit of overkill for this Eagle Eye setup- I think the basic go pro would have sufficed ?
Hope your friend got it figured out but if he needs an assist aim him my way, might be able to help ?
Almost forgot - yes you can shoot the rifle without the iPad- simply looking through the rear ocular as normally you'd do.
and it would be great to have a program that would show you in live time where to place you crosshairs -
with wind transducers mounted along the shooting lane - but that's why the rules were changed to dis allow anything coming down the pike that would really take the shooter out of the game

Shoot your match from the comfort of home so to speak!