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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

Jimmy, way to go. You now have the high score between us with that 247... My best was 244...Looks like your cricket is going to be a real winner for you. I will try when the Styer comes back. I might try this morn again with the FX,,,depends on the wind. I need to work on the 2 pistols for FT and make the wheel markers first....
do your cross hairs move off the target when you shoot with out a firm grip ?
do you have to RE-aim each shot when shooting a group with out a firm grip ?
and does a firm grip solve these ?
watching the top shooters is definitely a learning experience :) 
CampFussell wrote
Paul, it's strange how I have heard of the top bench rest shooters barely touching the gun?
I do better with a firm grip on the pistol grip stock?
I've noticed that not having any contact with the rifle is difficult - I've been trying the eyes on- only and have noticed that when I place my cheek ever so slightly on the cheek rest,the scores improve -- 
i can't wait to try the Thomas to see if not having a cheek piece is a help or hindrance --
i also note that it is easier for me to gain sight picture acquisition when my cheek makes contact with the cheek piece
i don't use or make contact with the buttstock -
also for me, a good smooth lite 2 stage trigger makes a big difference - break around 2 ounces 

note on target 21 - some staining - an unfortunate reptile ;-)
also another shot caused the wood backing to protrude through the hole? 
didn't really have much time through the holidaze to shoot-
Yeah, it will focus below 9 yds. Amost 8 yds. But maximum focus is 55 yds. Everything is fuzzy after that. It's built specifically for Field target distances.
50 and 55 yd mark are still a little too close for me, but it's only a 5 inch wheel. I guess I could get one of those huge 8" nautilus wheels later, but want to see what I can do with this for now. The distance between 10 and 11 yds is huge. You can actually tell in half yard increments or less for yardages below 15 yds.

I don't even need a pointer I just use the space between the rings as my yard mark. That bottom pic ....the wheel is at 10.5 yd mark
Yeah, took me two separate evenings after work. Did 9 through 35 yds the first day and finished with 40 through 50 on the second. I just wish I could have got the little white stickers on more uniformly ? You should see some of the range tapes via the guys in our FT club. They did a post on the THAGC FB page if ya wanna see some nice ones.