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Resources WRABF/ERABSF vs N50

One of the beauties of N50 is it encourages more people to participate regardless of their equipment and skill level and it's a great way to enjoy a weekend with a bunch of great folks. WRABF 50m with a .224 plug requires higher end/competitive equipment to score well so it does, to some degree, exclude more shooters from having a hell of good time. I do like both and thumbs up to Claudio for such a nice 50m card.
I agree with BobS. It's a great way to spend time with wonderful people, enjoying what I love. I am a middle of the pack shooter. Shooting N50 moves me from my comfort zone. I tell myself, one day I will be at the top, but not today.
Bob my friend i hope you,re doing well,
Two different disciplines! Each has its own challenges. The sport in which we are active called Benchrest was the result of these ideas in the 40s and 50s in the USA,
From my point of view, as I am active in WRABF 50m unlimited class, this class will become one of the most challenging Airrifle benchrest classes in the future. Right now, my practice in this class has increased more than the 25m classes. However, if I can, I will do a comparison on the Target N50 next to the WRABF 50m and post it here.
Hello my friend who I hope to see in Finland next year. I agree that the WRABF 50m with it's smaller scoring plug is a greater shooting challenge than our N50 targets with a larger scoring plug. One of the great purposes behind the establishment of N50 shooting here in the USA was to encourage more people to join in our competitions without the need for expensive equipment. Because of the forgiveness of the target and scoring plug more people are taking part in N50 matches and some of those may go on to WRABF. I hope to see you next year!!
the link below, you can see the experience of shooting 50m unl at the WRABF target, I will try to do a similar exercise on the N50 target in next practice.

50m WRABF.jpg
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@sadeqtm , great shooting. Is yours a .22 and if so, were you using 25.4 pellets or slugs? I had a Prophet P1 and it was rather difficult to cock the hammer spring.

Please tell us more about your rifle and the modifications that you've made to it. It looks like your P3 is MUCH easier to cock. What did they change to lower the cocking force? Are you using the OEM RPP barrel? Who makes the forward bag rider rail? It also appears your two rear plenums are much longer than the stock ones suggesting that you might be shooting slugs?
@sadeqtm , great shooting. Is yours a .22 and if so, were you using 25.4 pellets or slugs? I had a Prophet P1 and it was rather difficult to cock the hammer spring.

Please tell us more about your rifle and the modifications that you've made to it. It looks like your P3 is MUCH easier to cock. What did they change to lower the cocking force? Are you using the OEM RPP barrel? Who makes the forward bag rider rail? It also appears your two rear plenums are much longer than the stock ones suggesting that you might be shooting slugs?
Yes, shot with slugs, it was prototype slugs and currently is in testing stage, the rifle is 0.22 , the rifle is tuned by teammate and its heavily modified, at this point I don't exactly know all of the modifications done to the rifle, I tested the new set up for the first time, but I do know the hammer spring, valve system, valve return spring, and hammer is different than OEM and maid by ourselves (including the front bag rider),

about smooth cocking, its just the matter of finding the right balance between the hammer spring, hammer weight and valve return spring, if you use the P-3 with OEM inner parts though, the cocking should be very smooth.
We have plans to share our experiences in our YouTube channel, so please stay tune for the upcoming videos and please consider subscribing

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Nice card Sadeq!

We don't shoot much 50m over here...but I move a stand back and shoot a wrabf card once in a while just to see. 2 piece setup. 39gr slugs.

View attachment 493698
Dear Mike,
amazing target! 20X,s , we have only had a few full score cards and 20x so far. Of course, lightweight slugs and RTI Prophet.
I follow this forum section once a week for N50 results. I understand that in N50 competitions, shooting is done at 50 yards. As discussed earlier in this topic the difference between the two targets is not that advantage! I have printed some of your N50 practice cards so that I can have a test on them in the next practice.
Is your second setup with a different barrel or is this card also shot with the same slug barrel?
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That’s impressive Joe! You must have a secret underground range in a total vacuum. But how do you hold your breath long enough to shoot 25 bulls?

That’s impressive Joe! You must have a secret underground range in a total vacuum. But how do you hold your breath long enough to shoot 25 bulls?
I shot this card with my Thomas pellet, two foot shy of 50m. Was so happy and impressed now that you brought up pellet Tommy want to share it.

View attachment 493858
Wow Joe... I'm always impressed by your shooting. I'm going out and buying a single hole punch with a long handle to try and reproduce what you can do by pulling the trigger. Awesome!!
Wow Joe... I'm always impressed by your shooting. I'm going out and buying a single hole punch with a long handle to try and reproduce what you can do by pulling the trigger. Awesome!!

Joe and Mike both make very nice holes on their ten rings and X dots. Luv the ‘hole punch’ analogy. 👍
Shot these 5 cards yesterday at 50y with the slug gun. Wind was light to medium. These are all the cards I shot...I'm not just showing the good ones.


You are just showing the good ones, they just happen to be all good ones! Just pulling your leg Mike, great shooting. I am in awe with the performance you're achieving with 39gr slugs. Those slugs cut some clean holes.
