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[WTB] FX Crown MK2 .22 preferred but open to others (Sons Crown was stolen)

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Mar 24, 2017
WA, United States
Feedback: 49 / 0 / 1
Hi All,

My son had his Crown and an M3 of mine out today doing some 100 yard bench rest practice and stopped by the store on his way home and came back to his truck and his Crown and my M3 gone...Second time this year I have had guns stolen (first one was my truck and two Mavericks now his).

Looking for laminate stock,preferably with a 600 or 700mm barrel but really open to anything (not interested in the tactical stock). Hoping for a quick transaction so he can learn the gun before his next shoot in a few weeks.

PayPal only for pmt 

Thanks all and Merry Christmas.
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