I have many tins of brand new 30 caliber pellets and slugs. Had these in the boxes since purchasing.
I would like to sell these in bulk, so no single or triple sales please.
12 boxes of FX Hybrid Slugs, 30 cal - $150 shipped
16 tins of JSB Exact Diabolo 50.15g, 30 cal - $240 shipped
8 tins of JSB Exact Diabolo 44.75g, 30 cal SOLD
16 tins of JSB Match Diabolo HADES 44.75g, 30 cal - $240 shipped - SOLD
I would like to sell these in bulk, so no single or triple sales please.
12 boxes of FX Hybrid Slugs, 30 cal - $150 shipped
16 tins of JSB Exact Diabolo 50.15g, 30 cal - $240 shipped
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