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[WTS] 500mm custom TJ barrel fitted for FX guns

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Apr 13, 2020
CA, United States
Feedback: 66 / 0 / 1
Going through my barrels and realized I haven’t used this barrel for a year and don’t really see myself using it. I was told it was a custom hammer forge TJ pellet barrel 500mm machined for FX, the inside looks like mirror and very accurate with all the ammo I put into it. The bore seem very tight so only slugs that seems to shoot well re the .216 sized, .217 slugs are simply way too tight. Very good quality barrel that looked like has been lapped and polished from looking at the mirror finish, crown looks great also. The twist rates looks pretty aggressive from the lands, shot the .216 slugs really quite well. It does not have the sharp edged lands like LW barrels, almost polygon barrel with rounded lands. Haven’t cleaned the barrel once and it’s clean as whistle. 

Looking to get $250 shipped.


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