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PCP Rifle WTT for EdGun Leshiy or Leshiy 2

Classified Status


May 3, 2021
North Dakota, United States
Feedback: 12 / 0 / 0
I have an itch that needs to be scratched, and after shooting my shooting buddies L2 a bit I am wanting one as well.

I did have an original Leshiy a while back and stupidly sold it. I would love to either get an L1 again or find an L2 for a truck gun. I have another ad up for my Anschutz 8002 S2 set up for field target use. I would like to trade for either one of the rifles, and of course for an L2 would be willing to add cash to my side to even things up. I also have a few other things that can be offered up as well to help offset the price difference. But that can be hammered out if anyone is wanting to trade or something.

Please let me know.

Thanks guys!
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