N/A WWII 1911A1 Pistol

1911A1 Tangfolio Witness all metal C02 bb pistol with blow back action. Amazingly accurate for what it is. I added Walnut grip panels and did a distressed finish to it. I use it for a place holder in my Fathers WWII memorabilia collection while the Colt is in the safe. It fools most. My grandsons love to shoot it. (me too) They’ll be getting the whole collection someday and this will help them remember their Grandpa and Great Grandpa. (whom they never met)
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That's lovely!
How did you manage to do such a good job of getting rid of the text?
I've tried plenty of things but it's still there
The script is etched into the metal. Even an identical paint will not completely hide it. I dismantled the pistol and wet sanded/cold blued each part. Antiqued a cheap pair of Walnut grips from fleBay. Worth the work. Everybody thinks it’s original. Just that much more fun to handle and shoot.