The December Xtreme Field target match at Phoenix Rod and Gun Club will be a night match. This is to space it out from Christmas a bit.
The Airgunners of Arizona are also holding a sub 20fpe "traditional" field target match in the morning on December 17th at Ben Avery Shooting Facility, in north PHX Metro area. So the opportunity to shoot both matches in the same day/same trip to PHX exists again this month.
Hope to see you there.
(In January, the XFT matches will return to mid-morning matches on the 4th Saturday of each month).
Extreme Field Target Challenge | Phoenix Rod and Gun Club
The Airgunners of Arizona are also holding a sub 20fpe "traditional" field target match in the morning on December 17th at Ben Avery Shooting Facility, in north PHX Metro area. So the opportunity to shoot both matches in the same day/same trip to PHX exists again this month.
Hope to see you there.
(In January, the XFT matches will return to mid-morning matches on the 4th Saturday of each month).