Have used my new Y H compressor for only two times to charge up my Huben K1. Just wondering when I should change the oil which still look very clear through the small window above the drain.
I am glad I read this post. I have a Yong Heng compressor and filled with Amsoil SAE 30 oil and have used for approximately 1 1/2 hours total. It works beautifully. I have topped two SCUBA tanks from 2000psi to 3000psi. I bought SCBA tank and filled that with the SCUBA tanks and then topped to 3700psi with the compressor and have topped the bottle on my rifle a few times after. Since reading this post, I am draining the oil and replacing with the Royal Purple Compressor Oil. So far, I see no evidence of metal or anything else for that matter in the oil. I am also flushing with the rest of my 30 Amsoil. Is there a "general" rule for the time frame between oil changes? Thanks!