Yellow forum is now the Airgun Warriors?

"T3PRanch"If people will take time to right click on each respective page and choose the option "view page source" it is apparent that the code between sites is different even though the front end is a similar layout. This discussion is pointless IMHO. The new format over there is superior to their old site, user friendly and easy to navigate. Did everyone miss the statement by "Steve" that that forum format MIGHT be temporary while he gets the tap-a-talk forum completed. 
"Facistbook" and other "AntiSocial Media" has taught the entire population to be meddlers in the affairs of others WITHOUT invitation!

It’s pretty obvious that AGW is a modified version of AGN. Even down to the accuracy system and the Steve’s title as “keymaster”
you really don't think that you have a freedom of speech on any forum? to speak about any topic, to say anything that strikes your fancy? This is not some public entity. Any forum police their members how they see fit. They don't pass this through some sort of Constitutional litmus test. Talk disparagingly about this forum or the airgun industry or even a forum member in good standing and see how far your freedom of speech gets you. While we are members, I like to see ourselves as guest of the people that started this and do the behind the scenes work to keep it going. They have laid down guidelines/rules to keep us between the curbs, keep us civil amongst ourselves. Keep us focused on our common interest and hopefully contribute as a community for the betterment of our hobby.
as far as I know the accuracy system isn't that unique to this forum, there are a lot of forums that use a similar kind of scoring. But if you ask me the scoring systems aren't used in the way they should be used (also over here) but that's my opinion.

Regarding the layout of airgun warriors, yes it looks very similar to this forum but there are a lot of forums that look just like each other just because they use the same engines (think about XenForo and some other engines). Like was had been said by some other people, it's based on a platform to build websites/forums so anybody can create the same.

They're not pretending that they're airgun nation, they're not scamming people, they're just a forum with a different mindset with a sort of similar look. So be it, live and let live. Don't like them then just don't visit them :)
"BullWinkle"you really don't think that you have a freedom of speech on any forum? to speak about any topic, to say anything that strikes your fancy? This is not some public entity. Any forum police their members how they see fit. They don't pass this through some sort of Constitutional litmus test. Talk disparagingly about this forum or the airgun industry or even a forum member in good standing and see how far your freedom of speech gets you. While we are members, I like to see ourselves as guest of the people that started this and do the behind the scenes work to keep it going. They have laid down guidelines/rules to keep us between the curbs, keep us civil amongst ourselves. Keep us focused on our common interest and hopefully contribute as a community for the betterment of our hobby.

Well said. You have freedom of speech. But if you come into my living room, I have rules. I have kids I'm protecting. So you can't do certain things or use certain language in my living room. Same here. The "owner" gets to set the rules. And same as My living room, if the rules don't fit a persons liking, there are other places to be.

Also, I set up lots of website pages. There is a "default" from every piece of software, just to give you a place to start. If everyone uses the default, every site would look similar. I think that may be the case here. And besides, the people make the place. I stick around because I like the people here. There are a few minor things I find a bit "clunky" about the way the message system works. But I am here for the fellowship with people I call friends.
