Friends, I gift you (all) the following tool to immensely reduce the amount of clutter, clamour, confusion and contention on/in the Field Target section of this forum. Given the sheer volume of (often contentious) debates over AAFTA rules, why this or that one exists, and especially, HOW THEY COME ABOUT, this tool I gift you (all) can be used to abort many, if not most, such rules threads soon as they raise their ugly heads. 
Of course that assumes One cares to abort ugly rules debates, and understands a simple outline format. Regardless, feel free to copy and save the outline below, and wield it as an effective learning tool/weapon as needed.
You're welcome.
1. A potential rule change is communicated to the BoG through email by:
a. a club,
b. an individual,
c. a Board Member, or
d. an issue that arises during a match that requires the BoG’s attention.
2. The potential rule change or issue is presented to the BoG along with any information supporting the argument for a rule change.
3. The BoG meets and discusses the potential rule change or issue.
a. If the BoG determines that no rule changes are required, the issue is closed and the club or individual who suggested the rule is informed of the decision.
b. If a rule change is needed, the BoG develops the rule change wording.
4. Once the BoG has the wording for the proposed rule change, it will be sent out to the member clubs in good standing via email along with a description of why the rule change is being considered.
5. The communication to the clubs should include a rationale, “From: rule” and “To: rule” format, so they can easily see the change being proposed.
6. The clubs are given 30 days to respond via email directly to the BoG.
7. Suggestions by the member clubs will be discussed by the BoG and the proposed rule change will be updated accordingly.
8. After the club updates, the proposed rule change will be shared to the AAFTA email subscription list.
9. The airgun community is given 15 days to respond via email directly to the BoG. Posts on any of the forums about the rule change will be ignored.
10. Suggestions by the airgun community will be discussed by the BoG, and the proposed rule change will be updated accordingly.
11. The final proposed rule change will be voted on by the BoG. If the rule change passes the BoG vote:
a. The rule is formally announced to member clubs in good standing (so competitors / industry can prepare for upcoming changes)
b. The rule is added to the following calendar year rule book and is effective after the Nationals
To close, I feel compelled to confess that, having been involved in this AAFTA rules-making/rules changes process for many years, I've simply been too lazy to go to, locate the proper link to the rule-book ('handbook' in AAFTA vernacular), comb through the 28 page rule-book ('handbook' in AAFTA vernacular) to locate the outline quoted above, copy and paste it to this forum; until now. I beg your forgiveness for my laziness, and offer this post in reparation(s).
Happy Shooting,
P.S.- In proof-reading this post for errors, I visited . Sure enough, I mis-stated the length of the AAFTA rule-book ('handbook' in AAFTA vernacular). It's 31 pages.

Of course that assumes One cares to abort ugly rules debates, and understands a simple outline format. Regardless, feel free to copy and save the outline below, and wield it as an effective learning tool/weapon as needed.
You're welcome.
1. A potential rule change is communicated to the BoG through email by:
a. a club,
b. an individual,
c. a Board Member, or
d. an issue that arises during a match that requires the BoG’s attention.
2. The potential rule change or issue is presented to the BoG along with any information supporting the argument for a rule change.
3. The BoG meets and discusses the potential rule change or issue.
a. If the BoG determines that no rule changes are required, the issue is closed and the club or individual who suggested the rule is informed of the decision.
b. If a rule change is needed, the BoG develops the rule change wording.
4. Once the BoG has the wording for the proposed rule change, it will be sent out to the member clubs in good standing via email along with a description of why the rule change is being considered.
5. The communication to the clubs should include a rationale, “From: rule” and “To: rule” format, so they can easily see the change being proposed.
6. The clubs are given 30 days to respond via email directly to the BoG.
7. Suggestions by the member clubs will be discussed by the BoG and the proposed rule change will be updated accordingly.
8. After the club updates, the proposed rule change will be shared to the AAFTA email subscription list.
9. The airgun community is given 15 days to respond via email directly to the BoG. Posts on any of the forums about the rule change will be ignored.
10. Suggestions by the airgun community will be discussed by the BoG, and the proposed rule change will be updated accordingly.
11. The final proposed rule change will be voted on by the BoG. If the rule change passes the BoG vote:
a. The rule is formally announced to member clubs in good standing (so competitors / industry can prepare for upcoming changes)
b. The rule is added to the following calendar year rule book and is effective after the Nationals
To close, I feel compelled to confess that, having been involved in this AAFTA rules-making/rules changes process for many years, I've simply been too lazy to go to, locate the proper link to the rule-book ('handbook' in AAFTA vernacular), comb through the 28 page rule-book ('handbook' in AAFTA vernacular) to locate the outline quoted above, copy and paste it to this forum; until now. I beg your forgiveness for my laziness, and offer this post in reparation(s).
Happy Shooting,

P.S.- In proof-reading this post for errors, I visited . Sure enough, I mis-stated the length of the AAFTA rule-book ('handbook' in AAFTA vernacular). It's 31 pages.