Yong Heng compressor cooling mods

I just refilled my 45 minute SCBA bottle from 3200 psi to an indicated 300 bar today with my YH. It ran for 20 minutes. The head temperature jumped up over 50 C in the first 5 minutes but never went above 61 C. I did not use any ice or change the water. I have a computer radiator on the water, however, with a couple small fans on it and also a fan on the YH motor. Ambient in the area of the house where I keep the YH was about 30 C. I keep the YH bucket closed and I do not change the water. It has water wetter in it.
Sensors placed closest to pistons rings


My workparty, I am refilling two large 147 cc scba tanks and the safest cooling I am seeing with a full bucket and water running from a garden hose.
Sensors placed closest to pistons rings

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My workparty, I am refilling two large 147 cc scba tanks and the safest cooling I am seeing with a full bucket and water running from a garden hose.
I know it’s been done before by others, but I wound my final steel pressure line tightly with copper wire to act as a “heat sink” for the hot zones.

It made the end go from “burn your skin hot” to just relatively warm to the touch near the pump output block.

I wound it before the compression fitting went out on me, so I ordered a whole new line set. I will be wrapping all of them when the thing goes back together and post my results.
So I had a YH workparty again today, refilled two 147 cc tanks from about 180-200 bars. And in a very last minutes with the second tank I want to close the valve - and the valve oring burst to leak....
Emptying that 300 bar filled tank toke me a good hour I didn't wanted to froze it.
Replaced the oring and lets start again but now from zero pressure.
And started raining, and I am filling in my garage with open doors to vent the oil odour.
I have never had these many draining the big orange water separators in past two years.... the first tower was hot on touch I was draining it probably every 3 to 5 minutes during a total of two hours (including cool downs) ... the second stage (desiccant) tower was draining mist, I never saw that before neither...and, what nobody is mentioning, the oil temperature...
So yes, many things shall build extra coolers there for serious use.
Honestly I’m just hoping to gimp this setup along for another year or so while I budget in a Daystate Super Leggero compressor… I know lots of folks here have had good luck with the yong heng stuff, but 300 bar air is powerful stuff, and pumping it with Chinese compressors and filters makes me cringe. Y’all are braver than I!
Is the Daystate made in England?
Is the Daystate made in England?
It’s a rebadged Coltri scuba pump, powered by 110v for the North American market. So Italian manufacture, sold through daystate is my understanding.

I know people love their alkin compressors-and I’m sure they’re great, but this one I feel like has a more realistic price point, but if I have to choose between a Turkish manufacturer or an Italian one, I feel like Italian might be higher quality.

I could be wrong, that’s just my gut feeling.
I have 2 smallish computer radiators on my YH now and I think the second helped get the temperature down but it cooled off here so it's a little hard to compare. I tried reducing my coolant bucket to 1 gallon and that didn't work for my setup. So I went back to using 2 to 3 gallons. In the summer I get to about 62 C refilling my 45 minute fireman's bottle. In the winter my peak is about 50 C. I do not cool the lines but I do have a 8 inch fan blowing over the motor. I have a larger coolant pump.