Yong yeng cooling tubes “fused”.

Got a new Yong heng 3 weeks ago after my old one finally crapped out. Started to fill my tank today (topping off), maybe the 4th time with this one and hit a wall at 3500psi, checked for leaks and had two cooling tubes blowing bubbles. When I tried to remove them they are basically fused to fittings on the compressor, meaning the part the tube is supposed to screw on to rotates as “one” piece and I applied a ton of force trying to break them loose… These are also the tubes that are leaking, so probably way too tight from the factory and crushed the seals. Amazon is sending me a replacement and says I am supposed to keep/dispose of this one (you gotta love Amazon…).

Now my question for you guys: Any idea as to how to get the “old” one fixed? I am fine with paying $40 bucks for a new set of tubes from the bay but if I also have to replace the fittings etc then this will become a $150 exercise and I am wondering whether that’s worth it.. plus I have to get the fused ones off first…
Pictures will help if you'd post them. They can feel like they're "fused" but IF it's the parts I think you mean they can be separated with a couple open end metric wrenches & a rubber mallet. Again, Pictures for clarity. Use "anti-seize" on new parts if you replace yours so they don't fuse again. Replacements for tubing come with all parts ready to install.
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Thanks Gerry!! Pic attached, these two. And I used two wrenches and hammer already :) I guess I’ll unscrew them “as one”, put them in a bench wise and smack em…
Those washers are "dowty seals" or bonded washers. Yeah, should only be one. They're usually supplied in the spare parts with a YH. Where Those seals are is a very common place for initial leaks on the YH. I only had to remove my tubing once on my 1st yh. Breaking the tubing nut from the fitting that goes into the HP cylinder was a b-tch that time. If I remember I too put it in a vise & used a pipe on my wrench for extra leverage. Maybe heat the nut too while trying to free it.
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Thanks! I meanwhile smacked them apart in a vice :) I also figures why there are two washers underneath the rod on top. The treads in the cylinder are wonky so that the fitting doesn’t screw in all the way so they put it together like this… I’ll keep it for parts and/or to rebuild if needed given that Amazon is sending a replacement anyway.