You know you have a problem... ...when you try to
get rid of clothes in your closet so you have
more space for guns.
(No, I haven't done that. But thought about it.)
amount of pellet/slug models (weights/headsizes) you own
15 times as high as the
amount of all the guns you own in that caliber.
(Yupp, that's me.)
the total amount of pellets/slugs you stored
is the same amount as the
days you've walked (and hunted?) this earth — which is over half a century.
(Yupp, me again.)
However, if you have 40,000 projectiles
stockpiled (the term
"stored" does not apply here),
you have double the problem than I have.)
...when your cellphone has
a whole screen dedicated to different apps that you use for shooting. (Like: ballistics 1, 2, 3, and 4; weather 1, 2, and 3; target scoring 1, 2, and 3; inclinometer; topographical map 1 and 2 with range measurement; chrono app; wind meter app, calc., etc. etc.)
(Not true!: It's just 3/4 of the screen, not the
whole screen!)