You won’t believe the answer I have gotten to this problem

So here’s the story about 9.. to 10 months ago I purchased an MTC Viper pro from Air Guns Of Arizona. Now the problem I’m having is anything passed 15 magnification is cloudy and the parallax isn’t clearing it up. I sent it to them. They sent it back to me said the scope is perfect, put it back on the gun and sure poop. The same thing is happening again. I got on the phone I told them it not perfect it still very cloudy…..This was the answer. I got ……::::Well don’t use the past 15 so I’m just curious on what you gentleman and ladies would say about that answer
So here’s the story about 9.. to 10 months ago I purchased an MTC Viper pro from Air Guns Of Arizona. Now the problem I’m having is anything passed 15 magnification is cloudy and the parallax isn’t clearing it up. I sent it to them. They sent it back to me said the scope is perfect, put it back on the gun and sure poop. The same thing is happening again. I got on the phone I told them it not perfect it still very cloudy…..This was the answer. I got ……::::Well don’t use the past 15 so I’m just curious on what you gentleman and ladies would say about that answer
Buy from Amazon dont like send Back
No offense, but I find it hard to believe, that AOA gave you that response.

EDIT- I see they satisfied your concerns! Ive NEVER had a bad dealing with AOA, but Ive only been a customer for 15 or 20 years!
No offense taken ….but that is word fo word what was said to me and you have me there at the 15 or 20 years…I’m only 2 years so sorry if I offended you.
Shane is a great tech and knows what he is doing and he is honest 100% , so Shane is saying this scope has some inherant issues that happen on all of them and use scope below this , I am telling you if shane looked threw it and probably 1000s of other same brand he is telling you this glass at max has some . I dont think he blew you off , I think he is saying
that scope at max the image distorts , this is called Chromatic aberration, / I have had some scopes in the $3 to $6k and some scopes just not good in all of magnifactions , here is an example

schmidt bender pm2 5x25 depending on reticle can cost $2500 to $4800 . depending on reticle and color and turrets , ok well if you use it at 6x or before 8x , they tunnel badly meaning when you look threw scope at low power you see the tube and image is small , and another thing say a PF4 ffp reticle you cant see the reticle it is so thin , Now the scope is tier 1 scope and great 10x to 25x
O own a schmidt bender 5x45 with tremor 3 well 45x is not clear but great out to about 35x , so the last 10 not useable 90percent of time no matter of condition , this costs $7knone defective just how it is
Shane is who I talk to today. Yeah I know his a great guy always take good care of my when I call. …it was NOT him how said the comment but he is on it now. And told me he will get to the bottom of it.
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Same here up to this point…and like you said we are all human. I get it….

The big companies pay attention to the forums. I posted about a 170cc FX air tank getting a crack in the wall and when I called UtahAir about a replacement, they asked if I was the one who posted the thread about it. Took great care of me and got it sorted out.
lol that’s so funny I just got off the phone with them and it’s all taken care of….then I come on here to take this down and I read your post. Lolol.