Umarex Zelos arca rail

Has anyone tried 3d printing something or made something to fill the void *see picture* that also attaches to the tank and an arca rail of choice adding way more rigidity and stability. Not a fan of using just the trigger guard and one or 2 mlok fasteners like I see a lot of people do. Having solid connection to the tank and trigger guard would greatly improve how the gun can be used with bipods and tripods as well other accessories. Arca rails are just far more superior than picitinny. Just a flex I hand pumped that 500cc tank, not as bad as people make it seem, span of 3 days I think 4-6 pumping sessions total that were only about 10-15 minutes.


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“Hand pumped a 500 , not as bad as people make it seem“
haha hoho, man I must be near death. My 50 ml Reximex pistol
tank had me rushing to amzon for a cheap small compressor.
Hahaha I did say over a 3 day period, the bottle conversion should get me 80-100 shots like what most people say. I'm not shooting everyday and taking that many shots. But if you had a big day of shooting or did some competition stuff yeah and pumping is not really ideal. A compressor is in my future, it's just that people made it sound impossible to hand pump a tank that size.
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