These were done with a 25 cal. Umarex Zelos with over 200 pellets through the barrel, the regulator set to 2000psi and the hammer spring flush. I used a Nate Chrony that is reportedly calibrated at the factory but I do not have another chronograph to use for comparison. In all of these shots the tank pressure was well above the regulator pressure. For each pellet there are two strings of five shots. Perhaps it is obvious to you guys but it took me a minute to figure out this screen, The data you are looking for is below the line of buttons that say "Save 1, Save 2..." The columns from left to right are 1st string, 2nd string, 1st string FPE and 2nd String FPE. The rows from top to bottom are low, high, average, spread and standard deviation, then the rows below the dash are the individual shots.
JSB Exact King 25.39
FX 25.4
JSB Match Hades 26.54
JSB Match 33.95
JSB Exact King 25.39
FX 25.4
JSB Match Hades 26.54
JSB Match 33.95