Zero "0" Problems with Cheap Handpumps

People talk a lot about Handpumps and their preferences but I haven't seen many people talk about how they store them. I have had a cheap clone off of Aliexpress for years and never had a problem. Not one. I don't think that it is the quality of the pump, although it's not bad, or my perfect rhythm. I believe it is because when I am done pumping I store it with 1000psi pressure left in it. Just like a PCP, I believe they benefit from staying pressurized. Mine holds air perfectly and has gone over 3 months w/o losing a pound. I just thought I would post this because I notice a lot of new members that haven't been reading about this stuff for years, knowledge we take for granted.
People talk a lot about Handpumps and their preferences but I haven't seen many people talk about how they store them. I have had a cheap clone off of Aliexpress for years and never had a problem. Not one. I don't think that it is the quality of the pump, although it's not bad, or my perfect rhythm. I believe it is because when I am done pumping I store it with 1000psi pressure left in it. Just like a PCP, I believe they benefit from staying pressurized. Mine holds air perfectly and has gone over 3 months w/o losing a pound. I just thought I would post this because I notice a lot of new members that haven't been reading about this stuff for years, knowledge we take for granted.

Great idea. I will start doing this👍