Zulus warning

Zulus warning

I have had this scope for a few days now I have run into some problems that I did not realize till I played around with it. I hope this can help somebody on this form. I would like to see you add any other thing we run into.


I was watching the screen on my phone from my Wi-Fi when I would notice the screen would lock up. I would pick the phone up and move it towards the scope and the screen would start running again. I have figured out that you are not within 18 inches of the scope with your phone. same issue would be when you were downloading files it would show down.


The next problem that I ran into was did not realize there was an update firmware for the ballistics calculator, I could not upload any profiles until I uninstalled the app and reinstall it, and then had to reinstall all of my profiles .


So the next thing that I ran into was I have several profiles one is low power, and the other one was high power for the same rifle. One would be short range at 15 yards. If you use the rangefinder, it will tell you are out of range after 30 yards .


I had used this scope on a rifle that had recoil and after every shot, the scope would turn off realizing later I did not have the battery cap tight enough.
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almost everything electronic will have quirks you got to work around .. i dont like the wifi range though, thats pretty bad, 'standard' range for most wifi enabled gadgets ive found is around 30', some phones seem to do better than others to, id try another one .. if it still only has a 2' range id try to rma it and be like 'look, my kids 5$ toy has more wifi range than this'
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Zulus warning

A couple of thoughts....
It would help to know what type of device you're using, iPhone, iPad, whatever. Also be sure your operating system is up to date on your device, and that you are not running out of space. Of course, neither of these will improve Bluetooth range.
Try connecting to any other Bluetooth device like buds, speakers, whatever. Let us know how that works out.
I appreciate your post, as my Zulu is 3 days from arrival.
Today am shooting JSB JH 18.13 scope zero at 50 yards ranged it at 75 and at 25 first picture little wind and second picture no wind at 75 yards third picture is 25 yards this scope is a game changer for me
is 25 yards
It would help to know what type of device you're using, iPhone, iPad, whatever. Also be sure your operating system is up to date on your device, and that you are not running out of space. Of course, neither of these will improve Bluetooth range.
Try connecting to any other Bluetooth device like buds, speakers, whatever. Let us know how that works out.
I appreciate your post, as my Zulu is 3 days from arrival.
You are absolutely correct about what I should be telling people. I am using a iPhone and all my software is updated correctly.
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You are absolutely correct about what I should be telling people. I am using a iPhone and all my software is updated correctly.
Thank you. This is the only area where I feel that I can contribute Anything to this forum. For the last 12 years I’ve worked for a company that develops hardware and applications for mobile phones with most of our focus on Apple devices. On the other hand, I’ve been an Airgun owner for only 30 days, and I have learned a tremendous amount from all of you already.
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Thank you. This is the only area where I feel that I can contribute Anything to this forum. For the last 12 years I’ve worked for a company that develops hardware and applications for mobile phones with most of our focus on Apple devices. On the other hand, I’ve been an Airgun owner for only 30 days, and I have learned a tremendous amount from all of you already.

Zulus warning

I have had this scope for a few days now I have run into some problems that I did not realize till I played around with it. I hope this can help somebody on this form. I would like to see you add any other thing we run into.


I was watching the screen on my phone from my Wi-Fi when I would notice the screen would lock up. I would pick the phone up and move it towards the scope and the screen would start running again. I have figured out that you are not within 18 inches of the scope with your phone. same issue would be when you were downloading files it would show down.


The next problem that I ran into was did not realize there was an update firmware for the ballistics calculator, I could not upload any profiles until I uninstalled the app and reinstall it, and then had to reinstall all of my profiles .


So the next thing that I ran into was I have several profiles one is low power, and the other one was high power for the same rifle. One would be short range at 15 yards. If you use the rangefinder, it will tell you are out of range after 30 yards .


I had used this scope on a rifle that had recoil and after every shot, the scope would turn off realizing later I did not have the battery cap tight enough.
I have only had the Zulus for a few days now and ran into the problem with the update and having to reinstall my profiles. The one thing I should have known was to always look for an update prior to doing anything. Just like with any new phone you purchase, the first thing it does is update. I believe we both had already downloaded the apps and began to install our profiles so when we deleted the app we lost it all.
I haven’t had any issues with the wifi or bluetooth connection. The Arken app with the viewing screen is wifi and the ballistic calculator runs off bluetooth.
I did run into the issue of not being able to range but I had only set the profile to a specific yardage; it won’t go beyond the parameters set in the calculator.
For me, a lot of the issues were from me preinstalling and not having the ability to update the app prior to arrival of the Zulus; the learning curve.
And I didn’t have any problems with turning off; I must have screwed on the battery cap tight enough. Definitely hope it gets better for you because the weight alone is so much better than some of the other digital scopes.
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Zulus warning


So the next thing that I ran into was I have several profiles one is low power, and the other one was high power for the same rifle. One would be short range at 15 yards. If you use the rangefinder, it will tell you are out of range after 30 yards .
There is unfortunately only 1 bc table that can be uploaded at any time. So if you change profile (since you changed the power output of the rifle) and then you want to use it with the laser, you will HAVE TO upload a corresponding BC table.

The Zulus showing out of range can be either one of two cases: 1. The ranged distance will put the POI (and thus the projected reticle) outside the display of the scope, OR… The end range you have set in the app for the ballistic table. (Meaning: if you set the endrange at say 50, upload the table to the scope, and then you lase something at 60, the scope has no data to project the POI.)

On your screenshot picture above with the reticle and squirrel you use the “holdover” mode. Since the reticle you selected does not have any stadia (mil/moa) tick marks on it, wouldn’t it make more sense to use the “dial in“ mode in this case? (in dial in mode the WHOLE reticle is projected at the POI when you range a target, so you can aim with the center cross ISO the little red holdover <+> mark….
The setting is easily changed in the menu under “aiming method” (use the side buttons to change a setting, then use the front button to accept a change, if you exit a menu without accepting, the change is not saved!)
Should the title of this thead should be " IPHONE WARNING" , and not ZULUS WARNING!
Did you get this sorted out?
Looks like its working great now, (based on another thread?, I think.
Was the issue, simply the Iphone?
These Zulus optics are really nice, in my opinion, and Ive had absolutely zero issues from mine, useing my inexpensice android device!
Thank you. This is the only area where I feel that I can contribute Anything to this forum. For the last 12 years I’ve worked for a company that develops hardware and applications for mobile phones with most of our focus on Apple devices. On the other hand, I’ve been an Airgun owner for only 30 days, and I have learned a tremendous amount from all of you already.
Welcome to the Air Gun world and AGN the best .
Stan in KY .
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Should the title of this thead should be " IPHONE WARNING" , and not ZULUS WARNING!
Did you get this sorted out?
Looks like its working great now, (based on another thread?, I think.
Was the issue, simply the Iphone?
These Zulus optics are really nice, in my opinion, and Ive had absolutely zero issues from mine, useing my inexpensice android devices