Ok, we all know that adjustable buttpads/plates help us in our quest towards accuracy. I for one could care less about power to some extent but I am looking for ways to help my Prosport and myself to become a better shooter. A more accurate shooter. I know that practice is utmost but having the tools to aide oneself is necessary. So this is what brings me to this question.
I don't have a money to spend lavishly so I would like to know what type of adjustable buttplate/pad is recommended for a Air Arms Prosport. I need it to be adjustable for height but if the product has cant adjustability then so the much better. I have a scope level for any canting issues but nonetheless if its there then I will take advantage of it. So here are i guess the parameters I would like the adjustable buttpad/plate to fall into.
1) Height Adjustable
2) Easy "for me" to install. If anyone knows me and my past for "tinkering" then you should know what "easy" is, lol.
3) Affordable "to/for me" in the $20-$60 range (if there is such a thing/range)
4) Cant adjustable (not necessary but will take it if it has it).
Please include a link or the name and best place to acquire one. I'm very appreciative.
Thank you guys for your time in responding
(Cross Posted)
I don't have a money to spend lavishly so I would like to know what type of adjustable buttplate/pad is recommended for a Air Arms Prosport. I need it to be adjustable for height but if the product has cant adjustability then so the much better. I have a scope level for any canting issues but nonetheless if its there then I will take advantage of it. So here are i guess the parameters I would like the adjustable buttpad/plate to fall into.
1) Height Adjustable
2) Easy "for me" to install. If anyone knows me and my past for "tinkering" then you should know what "easy" is, lol.
3) Affordable "to/for me" in the $20-$60 range (if there is such a thing/range)
4) Cant adjustable (not necessary but will take it if it has it).
Please include a link or the name and best place to acquire one. I'm very appreciative.
Thank you guys for your time in responding
(Cross Posted)