

I've never used them but can't recall any bad press. I found out about them from Biohazardman's thread on Yong Hengs. Since pandemic, Aliexpress shipping charges have increased dramatically, for some items, pricing them right out of the market. I'd take a chance on a small ticket item, if not available elsewhere, and if that went well, might try for more.

I ordered some stuff through Ali-Express late last year and early this year. 2 of 3 orders went smoothly, and Ali Express took care of me regarding the one which didn't.

I was only ordering re-build parts for Chinese (Tuxing-like) compressors in 2 orders, and digital pressure gauges in the 3rd order. One of the rebuild parts orders (valve plates, gasket kits, etc.) seemed later (than usual - normally takes 3-4 weeks for delivery). When I checked the tracking info I was given, it had some sort of message like 'Illegal items - shipment destroyed by Customs.' 

Funny because it was the second shipment of similar parts in about 2 weeks for me, and the first went through normally.

Anyway I sent the tracking info to A-E and they gave me the option to re-order or get a refund. I wanted the parts so I re-ordered, and the new shipment was at my front door in about 10 days. Guess they shipped that one expedited due to the issues with the other shipment?

I'm no longer fearful of them, although my orders were in the $150 or less range.

As always, YMMV
I have ordered literally TONS of stuff from there. comptuer parts, tools, electronics, gun parts, optics. Never have I been scammed or got the short end of the stick. But of course.... use your head when looking at listings and do your homework. Some products are just plain bad, and some sellers are new, amateurs, or marketing products that are a bit less than they claim (like a 1,000,000 lumin flashlight, lol)
ALL THINGS PCP, true mega store, decent quality and something for almost every AG available.

Good luck & hope this helps.

Alibaba is great for certain items. Have no hesitation with either place. ESPECIALLY if you ever decide to get a big compressor, something that can do 3.5-4.7c or more at 4500-5000pso you should definitely look at

& other 3.5cfm or bigger compressors.

No Uyghurs were harmed in the production of the parts you purchased on that platform... Unless you count forced labor camps as harm.

Most everything's made in Asia now. Doesn't matter where you get it. I can get a scope from ali that has the same parts (save for reticle) as a reputable American company. Same is true for a lot of things sadly. The only real value is in what can be made the cheapest and profited from the most. Who can we exploit to the greatest extent. The only real way to wash your hands I can see is to abandon the whole thing and jump ship. Go off the grid, and say to hell with eveything else. But even then, you'd still have to exploit nature to survive. And it's not like the machinery will slow when one person refuses to participate. 
No Uyghurs were harmed in the production of the parts you purchased on that platform... Unless you count forced labor camps as harm.

Most everything's made in Asia now. Doesn't matter where you get it. ...... The only real value is in what can be made the cheapest and profited from the most. Who can we exploit to the greatest extent. ......

As long as it isn't me and I got mine. I'm good.

We all would do better to source things from suppliers who don't have an active interest in the worst kinds of barbarism and human degradation no matter how much money we save.

I am as guilty as the next fellow but give me another source and a fair price and watch what happens.

I personally am abandoning the nation which actively exported Covid. They can't save me enough money to repay that debit.

After all is said and done you will get what you pay for, right?