ARH F120 and Steve Corcoran Custom FWB124 projects

HI guys. Referring back to a recent post about the old ARH (Air Rifle Headquarters ), I mentioned having obtained an F120 stock. Turned out to be a Jim Macari (of the current Air Rifle Headquarters) replica Myrtle Walnut. By coincidence, I had also just found an original ARH F12 that arrived with a broken stock. : ( So, I decided to marry the 2 and create my own F120!

For those who don't know, an F120 was a FWB124 variant produced by Robert Law of the original Air Rifle Headquarters back in the 70s. The same is true of the F12. The F120 was an F12 in a special made ARH stock and accessories galore.

The project is now in its final stages. I'm posting the development so far. I hope you enjoy and appreciate the fine craftsmanship of Scott Blair who is doing all the hard work.

Stock in rough state. Yes, that's my Sheridan Supergrade next to it!

Sizing up the Rosewood cap and butt pad.. Fortunately, a very similar to the original pad was available! 
First coat of oil, cap starting to take shape.
​​​3 coats and butt pad added. More to come as it develops! !

Yes, that's a Steve Corcoran 124 stock next to it. That's another project all together. Both are off to be chequered. Notice the difference between the two! Which would be your choice?
Coat number four with final grip cap design.

Mock up using a Burris Mini. Final production scope will be a 66R. The Rob Hawkins tune produced 826 fps on a 40 degree day with a standard deviation of 4!! Now that's some impressive tuning! Finally, Off to the checkerer!!
Back from checkering. Extremely pleased with the results. Scott Blair has outdone himself! The details are stunning! IMO NEXT will be the final touch of adding the 66R scopes.

The action in the Steve Corcoran stock has a JM Soft Tune Kit in it. It's sleek and sexy design will be complimentary to the easy cocking and smooth shot cycle.
Thank you Randy. Scott does great work. I think he is falling in love with this 124 as he works on it! Lol! Difficult not to!

I'll be posting update's on both projects as they develop.

The SC stock project represents how far the model 124 evolved in 15 years of production. It is designed to be slim and light to handle with a very low cocking effort. It's a Beeman marked 54xxx serial number mk3. Its very different from the Robert Law F12 serial number 8xxx!!! The RL rifle is down right beefy when compared to the SC!!
It's a '79 Beeman stamped action with Maccari spring and piston seal. Wood is Claro Walnut. It had large pores so a lot of hand sanding between coats of Royal London Oil was necessary. Well worth the effort though. I like the rosewood on your grip, maybe I will add to mine at a later date then have it checkered as well.

Replaced the original black plastic trigger with aluminum and polished a spare HW trigger guard to match. Scope is Beeman Model 60 2-7 X 32 Blue Ribbon. Shoots around 13fpe. 

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That's a gorgeous stock! Love the figure and mineral lines!! It even has that butt pad!

I'm copying good ole PW for the grip checkering. I'm also going with the HW trigger guard as the original version used a checkered guard. 

Your F120 would look even better with some grip check. What do you think of doing the forestock panels?
Wow! Those are some beautiful stocks! I'm partial to the looks of the Corcoran stock but have a hunch that the deeper forearm might make the gun shoulder and shoot better offhand? Back in the day I bought the plain Jane 124 sport from an ad in Shotgun news. I wanted the Deluxe but wasn't willing to pay the price. Sold it to raise funds for my HW55 which I still have.