Benjamin armada.25 WHAT !!!!

Guys I guess I didn’t mention that I liked the tactical look of my air rifle! So I came across the Benjamin armada witch is the same foundation of the MRod! Gen, 2 so what are your thoughts on that gun ?! The combo on the armada is out standing bipod - nice scope everything I wanted for a couple more dollars!! I think I’ve falling in love all over again with this Beast! So will this be the one let me know! Hopefully I’ll be the one helping out with question instead of asking them!! Thanks guys!! And girls!! 
A while ago, I outfitted one of my Marauders with the full Armada furniture. I found it muzzle heavy and "too big" for an AR type platform. I have since reverted back to a rifle and sold the Armada parts. I have two AR style airguns (custom builds) based on the Prod platform, that I do like very much. JMO based I my likes/dis-likes.

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Best 2 things about the Armada are Pic Rail on Breech and the AR Furniture.

Only downside is you have to remove furniture in order to gain access to hammer spring tuning port.

In my opinion all of the Marauder / Armada platform is front end heavy (I have 5 and working on building up a 6th). It is a completely different story in a MDRL Stock (Bullpup) format. Well Balanced!
Nice ! So would you recommend the Benjamin Armada over the stander Mrod Gen.2 ? I like both of them same platform but I like the look of the AR tactical look !! I can get the Armada with a Centerpoint scope and a bipod all for around 650 ! That to me is not bad! Im just looking to get the best bang for my dollars! I already have two other guns gamo springer and gamo piston ! Swarm fusion gen.2 .22 cal is very nice but I want a pcp ! 
I also have 5 mrods, but no current plans for a 6th. All of my Mrods balance right at the gauge, be it syn, wood or Boyds Pro-varmint stock. Even the one with the JSAR alum air tube, balances there. All with scopes. The Armada balance point was ahead of the gauge where the plastic angles up.

I had a MDRL with Gen 1 25 cal Mrod, when they were first available (2nd batch). After a couple of years, decided bullpups were not for me. The weight is more distributed front to back, but the height of the pkg makes it tend to roll to either side. Mrod with the rear cocker is not ideal and the push rods could never match the normal mrod trigger.


Love mine. Did some mods, but even in stock form it was very accurate and quiet and the green mountain shoots som slugs and pellets well. Not my choice for stalk and hunt but very nice for blind or still hunting. And it’s a gun with great service through Crosman and a ton of after market parts.
A syn stock, lug, and barrel band is probably around $60. The oem wood stock is about $100. The pricey parts of the Armada furniture is the aluminum foregrip and the t-nuts that hold the side rails. You can source the t-nuts elsewhere. If you decided to go directly to a Boyd's stock, will need to procure a trigger guard elsewhere. Crosman doesn't sell it separate from a stock.
Very nice guys!!! That’s the inspiration I need!! Looks like a shelf piece for looks!! Hope they get some work in ! I’m more of a sit and shoot and long range tack driver so it’s right up my alley ! Plus it looks so modifiable and unlimited mods! Witch could be a problem because I like accessories! Next will be my fill station what the hell is in that box vdwb? Looks sophisticated !! I know it’s a pump but never seen one like that very nice setup you have! Thanks guys I’m one step closer to smashing that enter button for place order!!! 
My first PCP was a 25 caliber Armada. Its a very nice gun. It is also hand pump friendly. I shot it in the stock configuration for 2 years or so but now its completely modified. Its a great gun. Also if you did decide to go to a traditional rifle stock you can get a trigger guard from New England airguns for 40 bucks a nd a barrel band from Hill airgun for 60.