Solved stage 2 trigger adjustment on my new Atomic. I'll add the photo tomorrow evening but here are the steps:
- Remove the four bolts that hold the chassis to the receiver (3mm hex). That will give you access to the screw that adjusts trigger stage 2.
- With the chassis removed, you can now see and access the rearmost adjustment screw (1.5mm hex)
- The Atomic should be uncocked and unloaded, double check and see that it is pointed in a safe direction.
- Only minute changes to this screw must be made. To lighten the weight of the trigger pull, turn the screw clockwise,
- Try to cock the gun. If it won't stay cocked (side lever in most rearward position and stay in that position), then you have turned the screw too far clockwise. Turn it very minutely counterclockwise until Atomic will allow you to fully cock it.
- Check trigger release force and adjust to your preference.
- I am not a gunsmith. I am an experienced PCP user but new to Brocock/Brk
- Do this at your own risk.
- Too light a trigger pull might be dangerous and may cause property damage, serious injury or death.
- Too light a trigger pull may cause the airgun to fire if dropped or knocked without actually pulling the trigger.
- I am not advising or recommending that you adjust the trigger to a lower release weight. I did this to my Atomic for my own use,
- It is likely advisable to have an experienced PCP and Brocock/Brk dealer, distributor or gunsmith make any trigger adjustment for you.