Dragon Claw owner feedback needed.

Hello all this is my first post, been lurking for awhile though. I 'd like to hear from any Dragon Claw owners about your performance with it. What pellets do you find to be most accuate? Do you know of a source for a suppressor because this bad boy is LOUD. i recently put a scope on it and started the process of finding a good hunting load for it. So far the Mr Hollow point 145 grain are grouping pretty good. Has anyone put a regulator on one of these? I'm interested in bumping up the power too if anyone knows how.
Feel free to report of your experiances with this gun.I need to get the gun ready to kill a big fox that's been killing my chickens. Thanks. Jim
There is a review on the PA site that answers most of your questions. 

Neil Clague is the man to talk to about making an LDC for that or any air rifle. I seriously doubt you'll ever make it backyard friendly but you might be able to make it so it doesn't cause physical pain in your ears.

Saddle mountain gunsmiths is the place to go for tuning and mods for Korean air guns. One of mine is tuned by them. They do a nice job.

You really don't need any power mods to take a fox with a 50 cal air rifle like that. I've taken a fox with a .25 cal with 1/4 of the power and it was plenty. It dropped where it stood with one shot. Just take a head shot. 

Check out hunters supply store if you are looking for cast bullets. They are a little cheaper than Mr Hollowpoint. Personally, I would just buy the suggested ammo from Pyramyd Air. 
Thanks for the input, you gave me alot of the kind of info I was looking for. Is an LDC a suppessor? I tried some of the ammo from Pyramid and was getting so so groups.I also liked the fact that Mr Hollow point had so much variety the lighter 145 gr gave me more fps but more importantly flatter tragectory.The end of the barrel is already threaded so perhaps if I contact Neil it will be fairly easy to get it done.Id say the gun is about as loud as a 22 lr with standard velocity ammo, not too bad I don't need any ear muffs as it is now but getting it a bit quieter is where I'd like to have it. How doe's one get in touch with Mr Clague? do you have any contact info?
thanks for the help. Jim
It's purely subjective, but I may have to respectfully differ with our fellow enthusiast, Zebra. Don't underestimate Neil Clague's ability to truly quiet down that big bad boy. What he did for my Texan .457 has to be heard or (not heard) as the case may be to be believed. It still amazes me each and every time I lose one of those huge slugs downrange. A fine, attention to detail craftsman working at extraordinarily reasonable price points. 


"ClearedHot"It's purely subjective, but I may have to respectfully differ with our fellow enthusiast, Zebra. Don't underestimate Neil Clague's ability to truly quiet down that big bad boy. What he did for my Texan .457 has to be heard or (not heard) as the case may be to be believed. It still amazes me each and every time I lose one of those huge slugs downrange. A fine, attention to detail craftsman working at extraordinarily reasonable price points. 


I definitely don't underestimate NC's ability to make a great LDC. He made an excellent one for my Career 707 - a similar design Korean air rifle that puts out less than half the energy of a Dragon Claw. It made it so I can use it without getting physical pain in my ears but on full power (with a full charge) it is nowhere near quiet. It is significantly quieter than it was and far quieter than when I tried a bunch of other brands of LDC though. I wouldn't buy an LDC from anyone else for anything more powerful than your average 22. 

I don't believe any reasonably sized LDC would make a 50 cal quiet enough to use in my neighborhood. If I lived on a farm with a few acres of land on either side, it would be different. It is also worth noting that most Korean guns are very inefficient with air which makes them louder than more refined designs with equivalent energy. 

Noise aside, I don't believe anyone should be using a powerful 50 cal in a residential area. Safety is a far bigger issue. It only takes one accidental discharge, a ricochet, or one case of the wind pushing the pellet wide of your backstop to turn your life into a remake of the Shawshank redemption. 

I would suggest taking that thing to range to practice and buying something smaller for backyard practice if there is any chance at all of hitting a person by mistake.

Btw, I tried Mr Hollow Point ammo in my 707. They were less accurate than regular pellets past 40 yards. They were great fun to destroy squirrels with when they dug up my lawn though. One of his 58gr 25 cal bullets seemed like a fitting punishment. I wouldn't assume they would be any more accurate in a Dragon Claw. They might be but, I think his specialty is those Extreme Big Bores. The Dragon Claw is powerful for an air gun but still not even close to the EBB rifles. They talk about 1000ft lb+ using helium to kill bears, buffalo and TRex's.
Hello to all my fellow air gunners,

I absolutely love the Dragon Claw, it is my oldest and upmost favorite gun I own. I have put a few thousand rounds through mine. I’ve shot 2 white tail and one mule deer and around 10 coyotes. I shot my first wild turkey this season and took it clean. I have way to many pros than cons so I’ll just list my cons. First is there is nowhere to put a sling on it and two yes there is only two putting a by pod on this gun is tuff to find other than cheap Amazon stuff. Well I hope this info will help anyone wanting to get get one. You can’t go wrong with this BIG BOY. 
There was a Quote by someone on Youtube that said, the Big Bore Korean guns are not meant to be long range sniper rifles, they were made to be Short range Sledge Hammers, "They Are", I found with My old Dragon Slayer .50, it liked round balls the best, but was very accurate with NSA lighter weight ammo, don't go too big with the slugs, it's just a waste of lead. 
I've got a 909s .45 and a wing shot II .50.

I sent them both to Will Piatt for tuning, and he greatly increased the power. The 909s was about 175fpe, now its 296fpe, slinging 196gr NSA slugs at 850 or so.

I just got my wing shot back last week and haven't shot it yet, but Will's report shows it starting around 200fpe, and ending at 305fpe after tuning. Can't wait to go smash some clay with this.

I would recommend some NSA slugs to try, probably whatever lighter ones you can find if you aren't yet power tuned. They shoot really well in my 909s - I can usually get 3 touching shots at 50 yards.
I really like my DC, I’ve done a few mods to mine & have got it up to 294fpe with Mr. HP 240gr HP. At 50yrds a 3 shot group is all touching. As for noise can’t help there, I live out in the county. I use a Gamo sling that I got with one of my first break barrel. 