First Pest Squirrel with the new barreled P-Rod

JimNM sent me his old P-Rod barrel, which shot well for him. I swapped it in for the junky OEM one that came on my gun. It was tight at the breech,loose in the middle and super-tight at the muzzle. New one is a lot more uniform.

Anyway, here's the first kill with that barrel. H&N FTT @ 12.7 FPE. Entered just behind the left shoulder, angled kind of down, so it stopped just under the skin just above the right hip. The slow-mo is disappointing in this one. I probably left the shutter speed at 24 fps from my last review video or something... :-\

"AJ"Good shooting! what head diameter H&N FTT? I noticed PA sells one particular variant much cheaper than the others. Also heard the Lead free version shoot lights out with many stating it is the most accurate pellet in their P-Rod.
I don't know. Whatever is cheapest! I've found that the head diameters vary greatly, even on a tin marked with a certain size. They give head diameters to the nearlest 0.01 mm, even though they can't seem to control it to that degree.

I'll try to remember to check when I get home.