Initial findings - RTI Prophet Performance vs. Performance Compact

As you might expect, they are very much the same gun, on the surface. Beside the obvious, air cylinder, the missing extra plenum and the barrel/shroud difference, they are pretty close. I don't know about any possible internal differences.

See the magazine situation here -  - second page, time stamped, June 15 12:46pm

They are both LOUD outta the box. I tried a Tatsu and a Odb silencer on both guns. The Tatsu is noticeably louder than the smaller 0db, on both guns. One thing that I noticed, even though I bought...a .22 Tatsu from Donny FL, the exit hole is .355" dia. on the Tatsu and ..295" dia. in the 0db. Does this have anything to do with the sound...don't know some probably. Note that the Compact sounds less loud with the Original with the 0db, as tuned "somewhat" the same,(see below) by me. This is obviously a perception thing.

People ask about shot count ! Really, NOT a fair question ! This depends on the regulator setting power and the hammer spring setting. My Original was set up by Talon Tunes. On one hand I thought it odd that the regulator was set at only 80 bar. It shoots fine, is plenty accurate in my short range, so I left it. The trigger as tuned by Tony was nice. I have no tool to measure the load, just a feeling. The Compact's trigger as bought from Airguns of Arizona was HARD. Smooth, but hard. I did a lot of lightning on both adjusting screws, so it's now very much like the Original. I also adjusted the regulator, so that it's in between the two guns original settings. Both are now set at about 115 bar, per the RTI gauges. I adjusted the hammer spring on the Compact so that it's about the same as what Tony did on the Original (flush with the buttstock face).

Cocking both guns is pretty similar, though the Compact is "slightly" harder. Again, smooth, just a tad harder. Not any big deal. 

Again, except for the missing extra plenum chamber on the Compact, that RTI deemed unnecessary, the barrel/shroud and air cylinder, the guns are, again, pretty much, the same, on the outside. Except for the way that the magazines work. See the notes on the other thread noted above. Whatever the difference in the magazine, the Compacts magazine , overall is much nicer in it overall action.

I think that's most of it. Any other questions, EXCEPT the shot count (!), ask away.

Why no posting any numbers on shot count? Understandably it’s less due to smaller bottle. Guess I’ll find out for myself tomorrow ;)

Well, somewhat obviously, the higher the regulator pressure, and the higher hammer spring tension, the fewer...shot count.

OR...the lower the pressure and the lighter the hammer spring tension, the higher the shot count.

Sorry, I'm not into adjusting my guns to suit everyone's questions.

In any case, I don't care for myself. I fill as required, and don't count the shots taken.

@mikevv thanks for your initial thoughts. It will be interesting to see what shot count you do get. Like I posted in the string you gave, RTI Arms told me in 22 cal at factory settings you should get 45 shots at their stated 160 bar. It will be interesting to what you get with the regulator pressure reduced and hammer spring backed off.

Looking forward to the result. Alex of @aractivities will have his coming pesting video review of the PP Compact in 22 in field coming in a couple of weeks, I know he is filling it now.
Prophet Performance, Prophet Performance Compact and the FX Maverick

I really wish the Prophet Compact didn't need an extra silencer..!

RTI Prophet Performance Compact 2.1623862767.JPG

Blackpaw -

As my note above says, yes. I've added a third experiment in the form of one half of a Huma silencer that is mounted to my AP16.

The 0dB is by far the quietest of the three (0dB, Huma, Tatsu) that I've tried.

Believe it or not, both the Tatsu and the Huma (1/2) are pretty close in the output sound.

While the Huma has more of a "crack" to it and the Tatzu has a deeper sound, the perceived 'blast" is pretty close. I have the second half of the Huma that I will reassemble and give that combination a try.

I'm wondering if opening the holes in the disc at the end of the barrel will allow more air (blast) back into the shroud and help deaden the sound to an acceptable level without the use of an add-on silencer..


I'm wondering if opening the holes in the disc at the end of the barrel will allow more air (blast) back into the shroud and help deaden the sound to an acceptable level without the use of an add-on silencer..


I’ve wondered the same however there isn’t much room between the edge of the hole and the O ring groove. My Brocock Sniper has much larger holes in its disc and it’s considerably quieter so I’d be interested in learning your results if you do the mod?